Dare #419

162 4 1

Nimi: From Awesome-Ivy66!

Chiaki: For Teruteru

Teruteru: Yes? Do need me to...do something to you?

Mahiru: Ew

Nimi: No. But Miss. Ivy wants you bake a chocolate cake for her dad

Teruteru: Really? Gladly!

Ruruka: What?! If it's something sweet, you should've asked me!

Sonosuke: Let Ruruka bake the cake

Teruteru: No thanks. This request was for me, so I get to make it.

Ruruka: I'll make it better than you!

Teruteru: Oh really? 

-both start glaring at each other-

Izuru: I made the chocolate cake since you two were taking too long

Sweet Cook: ...

Nimi: -smashes camera-

[Dream Komaeda and Nimi Kamakura/Satsuriku No Tenshi 40/40]

[Hajime Is Finally Fucking Happy Since This Book Series Started 38/100]

[That Was Despair-Inducing Hajime~ -Higo Heart 25/66]

[No Gummy Bears 20/66]

Ask Or Dare Dangan Ronpa: Book 4Where stories live. Discover now