Ask #210

183 7 6

Kenna: From WillofTheNight!

Chiaki: For Chisa.

Chisa: My first ask!

Kenna: Has Juzo or Kyosuke ever made you mad?

Chisa: Only if they barely clean up after themselves, like leaving their coats on the floor or leaving their desk covered in paper

Juzo: -walking away cause of the jacket-

Kyosuke: -walking away cause of the paper-covered desk-

Chisa: Like they did today -angry-

Boxing President: -runs away-

Chisa: -chases- GET BACK HERE

Kenna: -stabs camera-

[Hajime Is Finally Fucking Happy Since This Book Series Started 58/100]

[That Was Despair-Inducing Hajime~ -Higo Heart 45/66]

[No Gummy Bears 40/66]

[Byku is Byakuya 20/36]

[Nimi Is Gonna Need More Room In Her Room 17/46]

[MonoHuman and Huami 11/30]

[Nimi Has Nightmares Now, Thanks 9/20]

[Nagito's So Happy 1/10] ON HOLD

[More Happiness For Nagito 6/50]

[More Ibuki x Einshine Body Pillow, Apparently 5/20]

[Teenagers Scare The Living Shit Out Of Me! 2/40]

Ask Or Dare Dangan Ronpa: Book 4Where stories live. Discover now