Part 8

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My (e/c) eyes snap open, "Where am I?" Why is it so dark, I can barely see anything! Groaning, I stand up, almost falling on my (f/c) suitcase. Why am I wearing ice skates? Treading carefully, Making sure not to make a sound. I slide out of the dark room down a corridor, Left or, right? Picking right, I stay close to the wall. Come on (F/n), Find a light switch! What happened? I stop to find a lit ice rink. Papa used to skate here all the time. Wait, I'm back in Russia. Oh, wait, Anna, disowned me for James.

Walking towards the rink and stepping onto the ice, I start to do a couple of warm-up laps on my phone. A pop up comes up on my phone, 'Do you want to connect to Bluetooth ice-surround-sound' Yes or no. I smile and press yes. Scrolling down all of my music, I found puppet. Tapping it, It starts playing. I leave my phone on the ledge. My body starts to swings side to side along with the music, Skating allowing with the music. Jumping into the air, I land a flutz. Doing a foot sequence, I carry on doing Falling leaf, Stag jump, Thripple salchow.  I finish with a Y-spin.

The music stops, Skating over to it, I skate over to my phone, Turning it off before my phone changed the song. I turn off my music, then carrying on skating around the rink. My eyes trial to the bench where A man was sitting there. "Hello," I call out to him, Skating to the ledge. He looks at me. "That was an excellent routine, that would have scored you 320.32. Cub," My (E/c) widen as that nickname hits my ears, "Uncle Yakov?" I ask. He smiles at me, "Why are you back in Russia? Should I call your mother, she must be worried-" I cut my uncle off with, "I don't have a mother." 

He stares at me in shock, "What do you mean." I look at him in the eyes, My eyes dead. "I'm (Y/n) Trankov. My father is dead! I'm now an orphan." Yakov looks at me, confused. "Whats happened to Anna, Cub!" I look at him with my head tilted. "Oh Anna is perfectly fine, She is in America with her new husband, Loving life as a couple without any children," I explain to him. "I don't understand." My eyes narrow as I spat "She has disowned me! For the petty reason that I look like My father!" 

He opens his arms out, I run into his arms, Crying my heart out. Why does it hurt so much? Why must I have to be alone again? "You're my niece. We will never leave you." I scream in my head. Stop lying to me! I don't need to be lied to, Why must they all lie. "I believe you, Uncle." I lied through my teeth. He smiles at me, "Come on, I'm guessing you're going home?" I nod. He smiles and states "I'll go and get your suitcase. You get yourself in the car." He orders me, Chucking me the keys. "Ok Uncle." He smirks and puts his hat on my head. 

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