Part 19

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"Yuri, I have to wonder. Why do you look so good as a girl?" The girl's simple question makes the Russian angry. The angry Russian chases her around the rink, "Why did I get stuck with a partner like you?" The (h/c) girl smirks, "Because I'm annoying and you're angry." He groans then snaps back, "What does that have to do with anything?" The girl starts skating towards the angry Russian. "It matters because we are partners in crime!" 

The Russian raises his eyebrow in confusion as well as amusement. "Partners in crime?" The girl laughs, "The Russian punk/tiger and rebel/Prankster? Perfect partners for crime don't you think?" He finds himself smirk, "Perfect. My partner in crime" 

Yuri pov:

I pick her up and throw her. Watching In awe as her airborne body spins four times before landing perfectly, Facing me. "I need to practice," I blurt out, making her giggle. "Ok Yuri, I will stay out of your way!" She promises. I nod and start playing the music. 

Her eyes widen as the music plays, "Paino Concerto in B minor: Allegro Appassionato." She mutters. Her body freezes like the ice we are on. I stand still and close my eyes. The music gets to the right point and I start skating fast. 

No one dared to speak, The time felt so long. I wasn't able to see my partners face. Once my eyes open, A pair of arms were around me. "That was perfect, No faults. I can't believe you're going to try and get that many jumps in the second half." She exclaims. I smirk and state, "I must stay on my feet." 

This makes her laugh. That laugh which I live for. It feels like I'm in love with her. I can't deny it anymore,"Come on Yuri, Let's go back." I nod and we go our separate ways. Opening my phone, I look at the photo of my mother and father. Degust runs through me.

 "Yuri, We will be back; just going to see my dad," Dad states to me. "Okay, Papa!" The idiotic blonde calls out. Little did I know that he was going to abandon me, Stealing my mother. I haven't heard from them since. Grandpa and (Y/n) are the only people I have left. 

"YURI!!!" Hiding against the wall, I watch as (Y/n) runs away from my fangirls. A scowl on her face as she, with ease, runs away. Grabbing my phone, I call my Grandpa. He answers and I tell him that I'm going to bed, "Goodnight Yurochka." I nod "Goodnight Grandpa." I hung up.

Once I get to the hotel, I hear an old hag scream."Yuri come here!" Lilia. I roll my eyes but automatically go over to her and Lilia gasps. "WHO ARE YOU!" She points at me. I raise an eyebrow. "YURI!" Turning my head, I see (Y/n). She had a face of shock. Hiding in the corner before the fangirls could see two Yuri's.

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