Chapter One

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  • Dedicated to Veronica Roth author of Divergent

Jacquelyn Herondale:

Flying through the clouds was refreshing. My friends were close behind me. I was the fastest flyer of our generation. That is...until The Fantasy Test. The test,is for the 17 year olds, to determine which supernatural is best for our personality, or if it’s best that we stay in the same supernatural, or even worse, we become mortals. No powers, no flying, and no family, mortals live in the streets and alleys, they have barely any food to survive.

I wasn’t watching where I was flying, I heard my friend’s scream at me but it was all muffled. I looked down and saw all the other people look up at us, from my view, they looked like those measly creatures that our ancestors called ants. I was flying at 200 miles per hour, when I looked up, I crashed into the Golden Gate Bridge. My wing was hurt and a few of my feathers fell out. I was falling out of the sky and into the water, when I splashed into the water, everything turned black, everything slipped away.

I woke up in the Angelic hospital. Everything was blurry until moments after. My closest friend Marceline was next to me. Her hair was a crimson red color, and her eyes were as dark as the night sky, I really don’t understand how she’s an angel instead of a vampire. But who knows what she’s choosing, we aren’t supposed to let others know what we are going to choose after The Fantasy Test. Her mother was injecting a serum into my arm. “Ugh I feel terrible,” I got up and my back was aching in pain, I turned around and looked at my wings, I couldn’t fly for a while because the direction feathers fell out. I groaned and laid back down, groaning even more every time I moved.

I got up the next morning and walked around Angel Avenue Headquarters. It felt so weird, everyone was staring at me. Alexis came into sight, she was another one of the angels on patrol. She walked over to me and asked, “What happened to your wings? ARE THEY BROKEN?!?!” The girl kept talking and talking, I definitely got annoyed of her and just walked past her. She stopped me mid-step and asked even more questions. I couldn’t take it...her voice was so annoying, her laugh was so contagious, her “bold” red lips made me want to hurl, she looked and sounded so annoying, I couldn’t take it anymore. “WILL YOU LEAVE ME ALONE?? You’re voice is so annoying, your “bold” red lips make me want to hurl, and your idea of fashion is sickening! I don’t even know you! Just get away from me!!” I walked away, my eyes changed from a bright gray (my normal eye color) to a dark blue. I hurt another telling the truth. It was one of my weaknesses, all my thoughts always rolls off my tongue. Sometimes I think that it’s a curse, a really bad curse, I just can’t help it. I try so hard to stay quiet, but it never works.

Marceline saw me walk away and she caught up with me. “What’s wrong Jacquelyn?” She slammed into my side gently. “I just feel bad about yelling at that girl, what’s her name? Alexis was it? I don’t know, I said some pretty mean things, I was trying to keep quiet but she annoyed me!” I stomped away and walked into my quarters.

I walked into our bedroom. Me and Marceline share a room, we are basically roommates. I washed my face, I was sweating. My heart was beating out of my chest. I felt so bad for being so rude. I looked at the mirror. My blonde hair was cut in long layers. My hair was up to my waist. My eyes were a bright gray, they turned a dark blue when I’m annoyed, or mad, which usually happens quite often. I wasn’t short, and I wasn’t tall. I’m thin, but not to thin. My skin was pale, yet not too pale. I splashed water in my face one more time and dried off with a towel. I looked at the clock and then my schedule. It was time to go to my post.

I walked into the patrol room. I was put down as sky patrol, as usual. Only the fastest flyers are put on sky patrol. The other supernaturals aren’t supposed to know that we’re watching over them. My halo appeared around my neck as a golden choker. I spread out my wings and analyzed the feathers to make sure it won’t fall out again. The serum injected into my blood made my feathers grow back a bit after I left the hospital. My wings were out and I was ready to soar, my friends appeared next to me and we set off to our posts.

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