Chapter Four

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Aria Montgomery:

I woke up to the sound of my alarm; it’s 9:00 AM. Ugh the Fantasy Ceremony is in two hours and fifteen minutes. I trudge over to my closet and I think about how I want to wear my favorite clothes before I have to wear a different Supernatural color.

Such as black: Vampires, grey for the Werewolves, Casters: purple, white for the Angels, and the elemental colors: blue, green, brown, and red for Faires. The Casters wear purple because Casters have a special feature that their eyes are a bright, purple. Angels wear white because the truth is pure like the color white it’s untouched. Grey is a color that is conservative and plain which is what the Werewolf Supernatural is about. Vampires wear black because it’s bold like their braveness. Fairies wear their elemental color red, brown, blue, or green. A strict rule of our city is that everyone must be wearing their Supernatural color so they can be identified from afar.

I take my blue flannel and light washed, denim jeans. I loved the flannel because the blue perfectly complimented my brown eyes but when I choose another Supernatural my appearance will change forever. I could have blonde hair like the Angels, jet-black hair the Vampires have, the sandy-brown hair the Werewolves wear, or even have the gray-brown hair the Casters have. The different elemental fairies have different hair colors Water Fairy: light brown hair, Earth Fairy: dark brown hair, Fire Fairies: dark red hair, and Plant fairies have all types of brown hair.

After I get my clothes on I wear my cute brown ankle boots and brush my teeth till I can’t take the mintiness anymore. I head out of the bathroom and I’m greeted by my parents they can’t help but smile even if this is the last time they might see me for awhile. “Do you want to eat anything honey?” my mother says. I don’t even think before I shake my head no. I can’t bear the thought of having food in my stomach during the Transformational Ceremony and the actual Transformation.

As a group fly over to the closest bus stop; as we walk we see other fairy families some mute others mostly cheerful enough. When we reach the bus stop there’s already a crowd full of fairies filing into the bus one by one. When we get inside the bus there are all kinds of other Supernaturals. My parents lead us to the middle, but two Werewolves, a man and a woman stand up and give up their seats so we can sit together. I feel kinda guilty that Werewolves are so giving but then I see the couple find two seats further back in the bus. I then realize I’m sitting next to Caster boy who looks about my age, I just ignore him until I see out of the corner of my eye that he’s staring at me. I turn to look at him he’s shocked that I caught him staring. “I just u-umm…” the Caster boy says. Then I realize that his foolish look that he wears on his face is cute-looking. Stop thinking about some Caster boy you don’t even know or can’t be with.

I smile at him politely and ask, “Hey so are you going to your Transformational Ceremony too?”

He blushes wildly which gives him an even cuter goofy look,”Hehe, no I already had my ceremony last year. I completely redden and apologize for saying that. Then he says, “It’ll be okay it’s not as scary as you think.” I give him a silent thank you by nodding my head. After a minute or two he stands up when the bus comes to his stop.

The Transformational Ceremony is held at the Russ Building. I know that the the Russ Building is nearing us because I see the other families around us tense up with nervousness. I look out the window and I see it the Russ Building is coming into view, it looks grand exactly how I would imagine it to be because of the one special event that happens every year. The Transformational Ceremony is here.

We begin to make our way to the exit when the bus stops right in front of the Russ Building. When I look back into the bus only a few people are left including the Werewolf couple, I give them a head nod as if to say “thank you.” I walk out of the bus before I see their response, but all of it melts away when I look at the Russ Building it has a tall main building and smaller buildings around it. Then my mom tugs my hand and peels me away from the beauty of the building’s architectural design.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2014 ⏰

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