Were in deep s***.

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"What the actual fuck did we just do?!?" I stand outside the hospital room and pace back n forth. "Ashton mate it's ok we can leave and her parents will be here I'm sure." Calum walked over to me and I glared at him." Leave we can't just leave after hitting a fan calum." I start pacing back n forth again and Luke come out." There getting a cast possible surgery the way she fell is right on it and people stepped all over it, but we can't stay." Luke takes a deep breaths and sighs." But we also can't leave are manager wants to make sure she is up and moving before we head back home." I sigh and stand there. I can't believe we hit her and she doesn't know or remember what we did. I mean she was standing there and people were pushing and she fell and then bam! I had to stop thinking about it. Seeing her blood made me sick to my stomach. Michael hasn't came out actually he hasn't said a word and I don't know why. Maybe he is scared shitless. "Hey Ashton she will be ok all we do is wait." Luke looks at me and calum sits on the floor. I go to do the same but someone gets me to look up." Ahhh you must be Ashton." A older women stands over me and I stare at her. Who the hell is this. "I'm Brianne mom um she texted me and told me everything but she said she doesn't know what happened so I saw you guys and hoping you guys did." She seemed calm but I still sat there. Micheal comes out and gives me a confusing look. I shrug and stand up." Yes I'm Ashton Irwin and no I don't know what happened we were walking by and we helped her up and took her here." I just chocked on those last words. We do know what happened but are manager wants it to keep it on the down low. She stars at me and I feel like she is digging inside my skull. "I'm Michael Brianne favorite." He winks at her and her mom laughs." I pretty sure you are." She laughs and looks at me. I got this butterfly feeling. Does Brianne like me? Wait she is a fan of course she does but why do I feel so happy about it.

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