Brothers and friends

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After three hours Mycroft and Sherinford were getting panicked,so they called over the apple dumpling gang.

Five minutes later

Mary, John, Lestrade, and Molly came over and were terrified at what they saw. Sherlock was now paller then death and still sweating like crazy. "What happened" Mary all but terrified asked the brothers. "We don't know, Mrs.Hudson called us saying he...wasn't felling well. We came in and he was as pale as a ghost and still is. He also has a temperature of 109.8." Mycroft explained to the group. "Molly, John, could this be a side affect" Lestrade asked them. "Guy's, I think I know what Ammo is trying to do. She's wants to kill him slowly and painfully." John said, semi answering the question. "But just yesterday he was fine." Sherinford said. Though the Holmeses are very smart, they couldn't wrap their heads around this. "Ammo probably, somehow had it so it would randomly would come up with in this 2 weeks." Molly said with sadness. "So Sherlock wouldn't be able to track her down and we wouldn't see it coming" Mycroft finished. Suddenly, Sherlock  started to hack, cough, and groan. In an instant the oldest 2 brothers rushed to him to help/comfort him. They told the friends they could take care of it and they'll be right back. "Ya know, I never imagined Mycroft, or any Holmes for that matter could act like this." Lestrade said with a smirk. "Well, from the looks of it, they let their guard down when he doesn't feel well or is hurt" John said, also with a smirk. "He is the youngest of three boys. Not to mention he's sick and hurt." Mary said. (Basically all four of them are smirking) "Maybe when this is all over us and Mrs.Hudson could ask their mum for some old family videos of them." Molly told the other three. They all instantly agreed.

Back up till the moment Mycroft and Sherinford left.

Mycroft and Sherinford were trying to help their - by the way, sleeping - brother. "Let's try to get him some water" Mycroft said rushed and panicked. "What, no, he's a sleep, he'll choke" Sherinford told him. "Well let's wake him up" he replied. At that they were gently shaking him to wake him. For the record, the 4 friends are listening and watching them now. "Sherlock, get up, please get up." Mycroft quietly said. "You need to get up little brother" Sherinford said softly. Sherlock didn't wake up, but to his friends surprise, visibly relaxed hearing and feeling his older brothers comfort. (By the way, they where also saying things like you'll be okay, we're here, stuff like that) "It's not waking up, but it'll do fine" Mycroft said smiling. They turned around to John, Mary, Lestrade, and Molly all very confused and suprised. "We have our ways for stuff like this" Sherinford told them.

To any spn fans out there, I just published chapter 2 of a fanfic I've been working on. If you haven't watched season ten at least then don't read it. It's about if God returns and brings back all the dead and fallen, and how cas reacts

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