Chapter Nineteen

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I really wanted to see Tris again tonight, but she's off with her friends.  I decided that I should take her cue and remember that I have friends, too.

"Do my eyes deceive me, or is the mighty Four standing at my doorstep for the first time in over a week?" Zeke says with a grin when he answers the door.  "You brought beer!  You know the way to my heart, don't ya?"  I laugh and nod as I brush past him on my way to the fridge.

Zeke catches the beer I toss to him and I take out one for myself before putting the rest in the fridge.  I sprawl out on the couch, sighing as I relax my head back on the top of the cushions, and Zeke sits at the other end, leaning forward with his forearms resting on his knees.  "Where you been lately, man?" he asks.  "Just holed up in your apartment?"

"Something like that," I answer.

"I'll never understand you and all that time you spend alone," Zeke grumbles, and I snort, but not for the reason he thinks.

My head turns at Shauna's voice as she comes out of the bedroom.  I didn't know she was here.  "So, Jason asked about Tris," she singsongs, stopping when she sees me on the couch.  "Oh, hi Four!  I didn't know you were here."  I nod and hold up one hand in a lazy wave to greet her as I take a swig of beer.  "More beer in the fridge?"

"Yep," Zeke says.  "Four is now forgiven for his recent antisocial behavior."  Shauna laughs as she crosses to the kitchen.  

My mind is still on what Shauna was saying before she saw me sitting here.  "So you're still trying to set Tris up with that guy?  Why?!"  I cringe at my tone and Zeke raises his eyebrows.

"I think the bigger question is... why do you care?"  I just scowl at him.  "If I didn't know better, I'd think you have a little crush."  Oh, it's more than a little crush.

I glare at my beer bottle for a moment before finishing it off in a few gulps and standing up.  "I need another beer if this is how you're going to be."

I had hoped that by the time I got back with my fresh beer-- and another for Zeke-- that he would have dropped it, but luck is not on my side today.  "Seriously, man, since when do you care who your initiates-- or any girl, really-- date?"  He smirks.  "You do  have a crush, don't you?!"

Shauna sits hip to hip with Zeke and he rests his arm across her shoulders.  "Four likes  someone?!  Who!  Tell me!"  She's so excited that she is actually bouncing up and down.

"Admit it, Four!  Tell her.  Tell her about the cute little thing that has finally caught your attention."  Zeke's eyes glint with amusement and that damn smirk is still plastered across his face.

I groan and run both hands over my face.  They're never going to let this go.  I know it.  I may as well give in.  Tris had suggested I tell them, anyway, and she's right, they are trustworthy.  Besides, maybe they'll stop trying to set her up on dates with other guys.

"Fine," I sigh.  Shauna squeals and claps her hands together, and Zeke grins.  "I admit it.  I like her."  Shauna is about to explode with curiosity.   I look right at her when I say... "Tris."

Shauna's jaw drops and she gasps.  "Tris?!  The little Stiff?  The one who likes Uriah?!"

"Yes, but she doesn't like Uriah," I smirk  "They really are  just friends."  Shauna eyes me suspiciously, but I'm not giving anything else away until she comes out and asks.  It's too much fun, dragging this out like I am.  I stare back and raise an eyebrow, daring her to come out with it.

Zeke laughs.  "I think Four has more to tell us.  So, pray tell, Almighty Four, how are you so sure about that?"

"Well," I say, "at least she had better not have feelings for Uriah, considering she's already my  girlfriend."  At that, Shauna actually claps her hand over her mouth, and I can't hold myself back from laughing any more.

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