Chapter 15: 'Friends'

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Mitch's POV

I gasped as Ty fell to the floor limply. After grabbing the document, he fell to his knees and screamed as if in pain. 

The three of us shook Ty as Notch called for a nurse. Ty didn't react. He was mumbling some things that we didn't know of. 

Sky picked Ty up and cradled him like he used to when Ty was scared at night after seeing a monster (even though we were also monsters).

Ty slowly started to stop shaking. Sky smiled and kept doing it as we waited for the nurse. 

Notch walked to us and sighed as he sat by us.

"The nurse will be here soon. She said to make sure that he doesn't get a fever or any sleepwalking symptoms," he said as he checked Ty's forehead. After seeing that Ty was ok, he pulled away and made a blanket appear of Ty to keep him warm.

Ty curled up and snuggled closer to Sky. 

---------------------------------------------------------Time Skip----------------------------------------------------------

Sky's POV

Ty had been taken to back to our room. The nurse said that he might have had a phantom memory. Notch explain that it's a rare occurrence. It happens to hybrids or people that a specific amount of energy of those of dead people or ghosts. 

When Phantom memories occur, the person sees the ghost's past life and cause pain. The ghost eats on the person's soul as they let the person see the ghost's tragic life. It doesn't kill the person but it sends them into a coma that takes a few weeks to get out of.

I sighed. Mitch had agreed to stay with Ty to check that he didn't die. Jason went to get some supplies that could help Ty. I started to make plans on how to get Notch's forbidden item.

I was quietly sitting at the school park, reading a book and thinking of how to get it. A light tap interrupted my thoughts. I looked up to see Merlin's boy, Seto I think. 

He was smiling as he held a small box of cookies. I sighed as he sat by me.

"What do you want?" I asked in a 'kind' way.

He opened the box of cookies and offered me one. Confused, I slowly took one and said thanks.

He nibbled on a cookie as he watched me.

"I was wondering if you wanted to be friends," he started out in a cute voice.

His voice was calm, cute, and laced with a bit of honey. I shook my head and sighed.

"Why me?" I asked.

"Your new and you haven't made any friends. You seem nice the more people get to know you," he chirped happily.

I sighed and thought.

"Hey.." I asked quietly.

"Yea?" he asked happily.

"How much do you know about Notch's forbidden item?" I asked

"I know that they'll get it out when it's my corination," he answered truthfully.

"When is your coronation?" I asked more curiously.

He grinned in a childish way.

"In two days. Why do you ask?" he questioned me.

I simply smiled.

"I just wanted to know if we could go to your coronation," I replied happily.

He giggled and hugged me.

"You're invited as my special guest," he squealed as he hugged me.

I lightly hesitated but I hugged back, feeling a warm and strange feeling in my chest.


A/N: ;-; I am sorry that I failed. If you have any questions please go and ask in ask the Descendants or guide to Descendants (forgot what it was called). Ask them or me.

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