Chapter 18: Science Fair

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Mitch's POV

I yawned lightly as I finished writing my class essay.

I was in the detention room. I came here to get some peace and quiet since Jason sided with the others and they started to mess around.

I was getting a little tired since I was almost done. 

Bored, I looked up and saw a few boys come in. I noticed one was the child of a famous alchemist and the others seemed to be twin from another family.

They seemed to start making plans as they headed towards me. I looked back down and continued writing. 

About a few minutes later, I felt a light tap on my shoulder. At first, I ignored it but I soon got annoyed. I looked up.

I yelped when I saw a pair of bright red eyes. I could have fallen and hit my head but the boys decided to help. It was a surprise but I guess I was thankful.

The boy smiled and sat in front of me. 

"Your new?" he asked

I stayed quiet and nodded.

He smiled.

"Since your new, I've noticed that you aren't doing any of your science fair work. CVan I ask why?" He tilted his head and scooted closer.

I looked at him confused.

"What Science Fair?" I asked

"I guess Notch didn't tell you. Well, there will be a science fair in two weeks. I wanted to ask if you wanted to be my partner since the twins are busy with themselves," he asked happily.

I thought for a while before nodding.

"I've never been in a science fair before. How is it?" I asked

"It's fun. You create new things that no one has created before," he explained.

The rest of the day I asked questions and he answered. 

We decided to create a potion that drains evil from people. I've heard about one potion once but I don't remember. All that I could as I thought was children screaming.


Sorry this is cringe. I haven't updated in a while becuase of grades and because my middle finger got half it's skin peeled off.

I'll try to update more. This is not the part that I was talking about with killer.

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