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"But be ye doers of the Word and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves."~ James 1:22

So often we mean to do things with our lives, but never do it. But God doesn't want us to be those people. We come up with awesome ideas, but they don't ever happen. Why? Because we don't carry it out. We are "hearers" but not "doers". 

Lately, I have been challenging people by asking them what difference they want to make in the world, or, what they wish the world was like. Some people say that they wish poverty doesn't exist, some wish that everyone had a heightened awareness of what it was like to have a disability. Some wanted the whole world to hear about Christ! I then followed up with another question. "What are you going to do about it? How are you going to end world poverty? How are you going to alert us to the life of a disabled person? How are you going to tell people about Christ?" It all comes down to how willing we are. Most of the time the people shrugged and said "I don't know," said "they couldn't do anything," or said that "they'd do it once they left high school."

We can do this now! We don't have to wait; but we can strike out against society and fight back, fixing the world.

What do you want to do to change the world? And how are you going to do it? Feel free to comment below any questions or contradictions. I love feedback! After all, I am now making a difference. 

~Morocco 23.02.17

"Jim" has been learning English via Skyping with a friend of mine, Laurissa,  in Australia. He is a non-practicing Muslim and was fine when my friend said she'd often talk about Christianity. On Thursday, they were talking, and my friend received to opportunity to share the Gospel with him. It was the first time he'd heard it and the Holy Spirit is at work. Please pray that he will accept the Lord Jesus into his heart!~


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