Guess What? It's Almost Easter.

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"And as they sat and did eat, Jesus said, Verily I say unto you, One of you which eateth with me shall betray me." ~ Mark 14:18

Ever considered the fact that Jesus was betrayed? By one of his best friends?

Most of you have probably gathered by now that I'm a teeneger who is still at school, and yes, I have experienced betrayal. But Jesus went through a lot more. A lot more

We all look at the story of Judas' betrayal, and we know it. Jesus friend sold him out for a bag of coins, so what? It was bad, but it doesn't relate to us. But how often do we sell out Jesus?

Every time that you go against what he says, you are spitting on the cross. Now, I'm sure that Judas was fine at first, he had the cash, but guess what he did with it?

He bought a field.

And hung himself in it.

Do we really want to end with that? Surely there was more to his story! No, he sold out Jesus, and judged himself to death. He knew that what he did was wrong. 

He hated himself. He gave up his King. For silver. 

C.S Lewis' "Narnia" portrays this well, when the White Witch describes Edmund selling out Aslan.

She says, quite aptly, that he sold them out for, "A few sweets." Do we want to sell Jesus out like that?

For popularity?

For a job?

For your life?

No, we want to live for Jesus, not spit on his cross.

Don't betray Jesus this Easter. Think about Him. Think about His sacrifice. 

Don't have the traitor's look too.

~North Korea~

Hyo grew up on the streets of North Korea. His father was forced to flee after becoming a Christian and Hyo had not seen him for many years. After a failed attempt to escape and reunite with his father, Hyo was arrested and placed in a North Korean prison.

For 16 years in a row, North Korea has been the most dangerous country to follow Jesus. Owning a bible is illegal and whole families are imprisoned if just one member becomes a Christian. 

Please pray for the situation in North Korea, and for the Christians there to stand strong.~

~J.A. Penrose~

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