What A Shock!

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After the previous evening, where I reacquainted with my friends, I found with them around, I could dance in front of people again and deal with male attention even dancing with a few, though I declined all offers of drinks, walks, dinner and the best sex of my life apparently, because it wasn't what I needed or wanted in my life right now.

Rising early to get ready to meet my besties for a fabulous weekend in London, where I could revisit my old stamping grounds.

In fact I was up earlier than my alarm clock, to say I was excited was definitely an understatement, I rushed about getting ready so much so my father shouted at me to slow down because I might knock someone flying or break something.

And I was far to early for the girls who were still half a sleep when I burst in on them, so after a few choice words I was banished to the tea room, where they would come and collect me when they were ready.

As I sat gazing out the window Mandy Jackson the owner of the Blenheim view wandered in and when she saw me smiled and came over.

"Hello stranger, don't see you around here much"

"No they keep me very busy at the palace" I mumbled, knowing full well that Mandy knew I only ventured outside the park for essential visits, like the doctors, dentist, going into Oxford shopping, never for fun.

And the look on Mandy's face proved to me she knew I was lying.

"So" she asked sitting on the chair across from me. "What brings you here today, it wouldn't be a certain rock star would it.

My eyes shot up and I was ready to deny I even knew a rock star, but I could see in her eyes she knew and of course she had seen me run from him at Blenheim.

"Actually no, my friends are staying here and we're off to London for the weekend" I smirked trying to prove to her that there was nothing going on between me an a certain rock star.

Suddenly her hand shot out and gripped mine that rested on the table.

Again my eyes found her's.

"He loves you, you know that don't you"

I shook my head wildly from side to side.

"No he doesn't, he thinks he does because he left me and he wants my forgiveness" I spluttered out.

"And have you forgiven him?" Still in that soft caring voice.

"Yes.. yes I forgave him and I've told him no end of times, but he doesn't get it and he won't leave me alone" wiping a stray tear from my eye.

"Do you want him to?"

"Yes" I replied with as much conviction I could put in my voice.

"Are you sure that's what you really want?"

"Yes" but with a lot less conviction this time and I knew Mandy had seen right through my lie.

"I see" she said standing up and before she walked away, she leant down and whispered.

"It would be a shame to lose a man like that, a man that loves you wholeheartedly, if you were in love with him I mean" and she gave me a knowing look before she broke out into a smile.

"Nice seeing you Taylor do call in again it's great to see you" she threw over her shoulder making her way towards the reception desk.

I didn't have time to analyze my meeting with Mandy as my friends came strolling into the tea room and plonked down at my table and started helping themselves to my biscuits.

"Hey" I faked annoyance "Their mine get your own" slapping their hands away.

"Umm, time to go, our train waits for no woman" Tanya said around a mouthful of one of my biscuits.

So we all stood as my friends grabbed all the biscuits of the plate and made a beeline for the door as our taxi had just arrived.

And oh my what a great time we had.

Kelsey always the bossy one declared we were going to do this reminiscing properly, so we had to start from the front of the college, we even managed to sneak a peek at my old room, causing my chest to tighten and my stomach to play up.

Luckily the girls notice and pulled me away to the next destination, our local where we would drink to loosen our inhibitions, the pub it's self hadn't changed much only the staff, so no one recognised me, though I doubted they would remember me anyway.

The same couldn't​ be said for Macdonald's​, where I was pounced on as soon as I stepped up to the counter, I was dragged around and was amazed at how many of the guys I worked with were still here.

I was fussed over and treated like a fragile antique, that would break at the merest touch, after I put them right about my condition now and how I was over it, they lightened up a bit.

We laughted, joked and reminisced all the time shoving our food in as it kept appearing on the table, a treat from the staff I was told.

The afternoon we did the things we always said we would do if we had the money.

The London Dungeons were a scream literally as we cavorted through the chambers, a lazy half hour on the London eye looking out over the Thames to the houses of parliament and Big Ben.

Then we off again Madame Tussauds, where we tried to imitate the wax models but we couldn't all keep straight faces so we laughingly abandoned that idea.

There was no peace in the evening as we headed to the club where Declan and I first met and I will admit I did have a quiet five minutes as I relived that first introduction.

Then we partied into the early hours of the morning and as it had been all those years ago it was down to me and Elise to save the other two's reputations and get them back to the hotel.

As the frivolity died down and exhaustion took over, I thought back over my day and it suddenly struck me my friends had paid for everything, I hadn't spent a single penny and the hotel wasn't a cheap out of town hovel either.

" Look guys" I said as we retrieved our room keys.

"I'm sorry but I can't accept all this charity from you all, so I'm going to give you some money towards this weekend, I know it won't be half of what I owe you, but I insist you take it"

I was not going to take no for an answer and as I fumbled around in my handbag looking for my purse, I happened to look up and see my friends heads bowed looking extremely​guilty about something.

"Hey guys what's up, what's ​a matter, something happened?"

"Well you see.... Well Taz the thing is you don't owe us anything" muttered Tanya.

I must have had a look of confusion on my face as my three besties squirmed in front of me.

What the hell was going on?

"It's like this Tay" Kelsey spoke up, then with a huge sigh she managed to shake my world.

"Chase, paid for it all, everything and I mean everything, you see...."

"He did what!" I screamed at them before Kelsey could finish.

"And you neglected to tell me this, how could you all let me down like this, god I hate you, I hate all of you"

I turned and ran to the lifts and dived in before my ex besties could reach me.

I hate them, they sided with him against me, they're​ suppose to me my friends and stick up for me, not stick up for him, god I hate them all now, especially him!


Please take note:  from this point on you will need your tissues at the ready it a rollercoaster ride right until the end. 😊 You have been warned!

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