Without Perseus Jackson

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A/N: This is probably the last chappie or not. Thanks for reading! Vote and comment! Thanks!

Annabeth POV

Ever since Percy left, camp was quieter. Less joking. More depressed. Even the Hermes cabin stopped playing pranks. I kept pestering Chiron about letting me out on a quest to find him. I went to Grover and asked him, "Do you and Percy still have an empathy link?"

"No. Not after he disappeared. It faded away. Why?" He replied, sadly.

"I need to know if he's still alive! For all I know he could be DEAD!!!" I cried.

"We don't have an empathy link anymore but I can still feel when he dies, but I don't die. Sometimes I feel it after they die though. Like someone I knew before..." He trailed off, lost in thoughts.

"Did you feel if he died or not?" I asked eagerly.

"No. I don't think so."

"Thanks anyways. Bye Grover."

I went to look for Chiron. I found him standing in front of the Poseidon cabin. I asked him, "Chiron! What are you doing here?"

"I'm here. Thinking of him. Of how much we hurt him without realizing it." Chiron replied, looking down.

"I miss him so much!!" I said, with tears pooling up in my eyes. I tried to blink them back, but they fell from my eyes.

"Don't we all miss him, Annabeth?" He said, as he pulled me into a comforting hug.

I took this as a chance to go on a quest to search for Percy.

"Of course child. Good luck, Annabeth." He replied.

"Thank you Chiron. I'll go pack now!" I questioned.

"You shall go tomorrow after breakfast." He answered.

"Ok. Bye Chiron." I said as I walked away.

I went and packed fresh clean clothes, ambrosia, nectar, water, and food into my backpack. I was about to take a nap, but I heard the conch horn sound. 'Dinner' I thought. I did a head count and led my cabin to the dining pavilion.

I sat at my table and got my dinner. But I got blue, because it reminds me of my Seaweed Brain. I sighed. I miss him so much. Why did you have to leave Seaweed Brain? I thought sadly. I didn't realize a few tears were running down my face. Malcolm, my half-brother asked me, "Hey Annabeth? Are you ok?"

"I'm fine." I said. I quickly finished my dinner and told my cabin that Malcolm's in charge. I went to Chiron and told him that I was going back to my cabin and I'm not going to the campfire. Once I got back to my cabin, I burst into tears. How could you leave Seaweed Brain??

The next day

When I woke up, I took a shower, got dressed, brushed my teeth and got my backpack ready. I went outside and waited for Chiron at the top of the hill. A few minutes later, he came trotting up the hill. He asked,"Are you ready to go?"

"Yes" I replied

"Good luck, my dear." he said.

"Bye Chiron." I said. I touched Thalia's pine and said "Goodbye. For now." I started walking away.

"Wait! Annabeth, come here." Chiron shouted.

"You should take Mrs. O' Leary with you. She can shadow travel you so you can get back faster and so Percy will be back." Chiron told me.

"Ok." I replied. I whistled and Mrs. O'. Leary came bouncing over to where I'm standing.

"Mrs. O' Leary, could you take me to where you last smelled Percy?" I asked her quietly as I got on her back. (AN: By smell I mean like children of poseidon smell like the salty ocean. Hades's children smell like death. Zeus's children smell like lightning or ozone.) Chiron started trotting away. Mrs. O' Leary shadow travelled to Camp Jupiter first. I looked everywhere but I couldn't find Percy! I asked Reyna if she saw him, but she didn't. She asked me, "Is that your hellhound?"

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