Death and Water Meet

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Bianca POV

(AN: Zoë don't hate boys anymore. She forgave them after meeting Percy. Percy showed her that not all men are pigs. Bianca is single and Zoë has a boyfriend.)

I was walking around and talking to Zoë, when her boyfriend, Luke, came up and started whispering to Zoë. Zoë blushed and pushed Luke away. Luke chuckled and walked away with his hands in his pockets. I smirked and asked, "Soo...... What'd he say to make ya blush?" I raised my eyebrows.

Zoë blushed and looked away. "Nothing..." She muttered. I smirked.

Suddenly, I paled. I felt dizzy and nauseous.

"Bianca? Are you okay? You just got really pale." Zoë asked, worriedly.

"I'm fine. I just feel like someone we know just died." I replied weakly.

"Do you know who died?" she questioned.

"No." I sighed.

"I'm going to go see who died. See ya later, Zo?"

"See thy later Bianca." Her accent kicked in. I guess she was nervous to see who died.

I walked past the beach where Zoë and I were talking, and speed walked toward the gates of Elysium. (Yes. Gates. Ya know, so other ghosts and spirits can't get in?) When I finally got there, I saw.....Percy? Why is he here? I mean he deserves to be in Elysium, but how did he die? I'll go ask him.



"Oh my gods. Are you deaf???" I muttered.

"PERSEUS JACKSON!!!" This time he looked over from his conversation he tried to have with the skeleton guard. He grinned and started waving wildly. He almost knocked the guard's head off! He ran over and gave me a huge hug.

"Bianca!!! How are you? Is it fun in Elysium? D-Did you think it was my fault you died?" He asked the last question quieter than the others and he had a sad look on his face.

"I'm fine Percy! I guess it's ok in Elysium, Nico visits every so often. No Percy. It wasn't your fault. It was my choice, so stop blaming yourself!" I smiled reassuringly.

His tense form slightly relaxed. He grinned.

"So Bianca, who else is in Elysium? Is Luke here? He deserves to be. He was the hero in the end."

"Luke is here. There are lots of people here in Elysium. Zoë is, so is Beckendorf, Silena, Michael, Lee, Ethan, Castor, and some other people. You wanna see 'em?" I asked excitedly.

"Definitely! I can't wait to see them. I hope they forgive me." He said with a sad smile.

"Why would they need to forgive you? None of this was your fault." I patted his shoulder reassuringly.

"Anyways, let's go Percy!" I said, while walking away towards the forges where Beckendorf would probably be. He laughed and jogged to catch up with me.


When we arrived at the forges, Beckendorf was working on some.... jewelry of some sort. I opened the door loudly and grinned when he looked up, surprised. He quickly covered the jewelry he was making with some scrap metal.

I said, "Guess who came to Elysium!"

"Uhh.... I dunno? Why?" He said, confused.

"PERCY'S HERE DWARFY DWARF!" I yelled, grinning like a fool.

He scowled and said, "How many times have I told you not to call me that!?"

I grinned impishly. "Eighty two times!" I chirped.

He rolled his eyes. I cleared my throat and it slowly sunk in.

His eyes widened and the corners of his mouth twitched upwards.

"Percy's here??? I haven't seen him in so long! Are you serious?" He started grinning like a maniac.

"Yup! Come on in Percy!" He poked his head in, grinning.

"Miss me?" Those two words alone were enough for Beckendorf to run over and hug Percy. Oh excuse me, man-hug him. I seriously don't get the difference. I mean, a hug is a hug.

"Hey Beckendorf! Where's Silena?" I asked. He separated from their hug and looked confused for a moment, then realized what I just asked.

"Oh! I think she's at the beach working on her tan. Or she's at out shopping. Or she's at home putting on makeup or sleeping. Sorry, but I was in here working on something."

"You don't know where your fiancée is?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Dude! You proposed??? And you didn't tell me???" Percy shouted.

"Eh heh heh heh. Yea... Sorry man." Beckendorf said rubbing his neck.

"Oh whatever. I'll find her myself! Percy, let's go." He pouted.

"B-but I need to catch up with Becky here!"

"Becky??? Really Perce? Becky? Wow." Beckendorf scowled. Percy laughed.

I scowled and pulled his ear.

"Ow, ow, ow!!! Let go!" He whined.

"Let's go Percy. Now."

"Ok, ok, gods." He pouted. I grinned at Beckendorf and pulled Percy out of the forges. I heard Beckendorf chuckling. Hmph.

I am SO SO SO sorry that I haven't updated in so long but you know, school and holidays? Anyways Merry Christmas!!! I'll try to update more but no promises. Hope you liked this chapter! Comment some suggestions for me? I don't have many ideas right now, but I'm thinking of Percy meeting people in Elysium for the next couple chapters. But I NEED SUGGESTIONS. Anyways, vote and comment!

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