Chapter Four

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Poseidon POV (AN: This is after he finished reading the note.)

I flashed back to my underwater palace. Amphitrite and Triton came up to me and grabbed hold of both my arms and dragged me to my room.

Amphitrite demanded to know what was wrong since, she could see that I was depressed.

"Nothing Amphitrite, I just need some time alone," I replied, blankly.

Annabeth POV

At the campfire

"We all took Perseus Jackson for granted. He was a true hero and no one else could be more like him. Percy was braver, stronger, and more loyal than all of the others heroes combined. He was the perfect hero." Chiron announced.

Chiron called me up and I lit his shroud.

"Annabeth. You must read your note now." Chiron told me quietly. I nodded. I took a deep breath and began to read.

'Dear daughter of Athena,
I loved you with all my heart and you betrayed me. I was going to propose to you. I fell into Tartarus for you. I took the sky for you. If I ever see you again, I will never look at you the same way as before. I HATE you. No matter what. Even if my fatal flaw is loyalty. Have a nice life with that disgusting excuse of a demigod.
-Perseus Jackson'

Tears were streaming down my cheeks. I ran back to my cabin and threw onto my bed and cried and sobbed into my pillow. I cried until I couldn't cry anymore and I fell asleep. My last thought before I fell asleep was 'Why did I ever cheat on you?'

Thalia POV

'Percy, why?' was all I could think. This was the third time I cried over a boy. The other two times being about Luke and Jason. I can't believe that Annabeth would actually cheat on Percy. Percy was so loyal, kind, and the Hunters actually accepted him. For a male, he wasn't too bad. I wish he didn't die though. He was a great cousin, he comforted me, along with Annabeth, when Luke died.

Nico POV

"He's dead. I can't believe it." I said to myself.

"Better believe it Death Breath." Percy said.

"Percy!!!!" I cried. He chuckled.

"I got Elysium. I really miss Beckendorf and Silena. Didn't find them yet." He muttered. I heard footsteps.

"Perce, someone's coming and of course you would get Elysium!'" I told him quietly.

"Alright Zombie Dude. Nice to know that you'd like to get rid of me so easily. Oh, and also? I wouldn't get Elysium," he said, with a big fat smirk on his face.

He disappeared before I could reply. I scowled.

I went over and opened my door. It was Annabeth.

I immediately started glaring at her. I quickly slammed the door on her, locked it, and ignored her pleas of forgiveness. I would never forgive her for betraying Percy. Never.

Piper POV

Percy's really dead? I thought sadly, as tears ran down my face.


I can't believe Percy's dead!!! He was like one of my best friends after Jason and Piper. We got really close after the Giant War, doing pranks on people.

Frank POV

He helped me and Hazel all through the quest and the prophecy. I can't believe he died.

Hazel POV

I just sat there sobbing uncontrollably. He was like a big brother to me. He protected me and Frank on both our quest together! Without him, Frank and I would be DEAD!

Jason POV

Me and Percy got really close after the war. He helped me mourn over the death of the Romans and I somewhat helped him mourn over the death of the Greeks. I wish I could go back in time and keep him from leaving. I feel like this is all my fault.

Chiron POV

He was one of my favorite students. People might say that the greatest hero was Achilles, Hercules, Theseus, or even the original Jason. But the greatest hero is Percy Jackson. Percy was loyal, strong, brave, courageous and everything else a great warrior might need in battle.

A/N: I am SOOOOOOOOOO sorry for not updating!! I was working on it and I was also thinking about what to write! So.......the story might come to an end soon. BUT I will write more stories if I have some ideas. Again, SORRY! And the story might be a little longer than I originally planned. Bye!!! Remember to vote and comment!

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