chapter 9- barbecue disaster with demons

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"Hey angel, you look nice"

"t-thanks" I stammer as me and blue walk outside to meet the pack.

there are so many people!!!!!!, I cant keep my eyes off of all the people there are at least between 100-200 people it's hard to tell with all the little kids running around and a little baby's as well.I hold on tight to blues arm because I am terrified of meeting new people let alone THIS many notices me holding him and laughs at me, I just pout at him but don't let go.

"its okay love, they don't bite" he says and then plants a kiss on my forehead.

I walk out without blue to prove to myself and hi that I'm brave and I start talking to people.about 56 people later I'm happy because they all seem so nice and I go inside for a much-needed drink.I get out a water and take a long drink, the moment I set it down I get tackled to the ground.I turn around to see a girl who looks just a few years younger than blue but still older than me, she's smiling down at me and looking me in the face she has long brown hair and blue eyes similar to Blue's eyes but her's are a little darker.shes wearing a t-shirt and plain Nike shorts with Nike shoes.

"Hello! So you must be my brothers mate! Nice to meet ya!"

I giggle at her childlike behavior as she stands up and helps me up too

"Nice to meet you, my names Hannah, what's yours?"

"Oh! My names lavarie but you can call me bff cause we're gonna be best friends!"

We talk for a little bit and she tells me a bunch of stories from when her and blue were little and a lot of them are so funny I can't stop laughing.our laughing stops and everything goes silent when we hear a crash, suddenly there's yelling and snarling combing from outside.we rush outside and see about two or three winged creatures trying to attack the pack.I go to step out of the Belmont when I get pulled to the side.I try to breathe in air but all I get is some kind of chemical.i kick as hard as I can but soon darkness overtakes me and I'm completely passed out.

I wake up in a room with a nice bed with light grey carpet and white walls only one thing, in the front of the room are bars that lead out into a pitch dark room.i walk over to the bars and look out and as soon as I touch the bars they instantly sting me.I yank my hand back and curse under my breathe.

"stupid wolfsbane" and yes blue told me about wolfsbane.

"Actually, it's not wolfsbane" someone in the dark says but I cant see who or where it's coming from.

"who are you?"

"hehe my names Kane"

"why am I here?"

"because i want to bring out your inner demon, literally"


"Hannah, your a demon whats on the bars is a type of water that only demons get hurt by its just proof that your part demon there's very few and just knowing that ur demon is out and your one of us with be a big relief"

"but I don't wanna be a demon"

"you won't just be demon, honey, you'll be a hybrid, part human, part wolf, and part demon its an honor actually your the first of anyone like you, don't worry after we get your demon out and get you to control it you'll be set free"

"fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine what do I gotta do?"

"just turn into your wolf form and drink this"

{picture of him at top}he hands me some kind of water that stings my hand a little but I can bare it.I shift into my wolf form and drink the water and I'm suddenly hit with an ungodly pain.I curl up in a ball screaming, howling, and crying in pain and it takes over my body.I feel something on my back and behind my ears but it doesn't compare to the pain inside vision starts going black and soon the pain is over with and I'm completely and totally blacked out.

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