Chapter 22- Training

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the next morning i was greeted with cold hard water and ice to my face. i jump up and scream a little until i see lazarie and rosegiggling.i stare and they angrily and i think reality hit them when they relies what they just did.i decide to get them back later but why did they do that?

"what are you guys doing here"

"blue wanted us to wake you up! there doing training and blue is taking you training with just him farther into the woods, he said hurry too!"

"yeah what lazarie said"

"ugggggh okay ill be down in 5"

i walk into the closet and change into some shorts with holds on the side for weapons and a lose t- shirt with a belt around my stomach for other weapons. i brushed my teeth an put my hair up and walk down stairs for breakfast. i eat some muffins and drink some orange juice before heading out to the training field.when i get there i see blue waiting by a tree at the edge of the forest. i walk over to him and he scans me up and down and i swear i could of seen some blush on his face but he tried to ignore it and hide it as well.we walk for awhile into the woods until we come to a small little clearing with some dummy's, targets, and , my favorite, weapons. blue tells me to get as many weapons as i can from the trunk and then come back when i'm done.

 i run over to the trunk and open it, in the trunk there is every weapon from a sniper to a bow an arrow to a simple pistol. i grab the smaller weapons and put the on my pants and the medium size ones on the belt around my stomach then i take the two almost biggest ones to use in my hands.i walk back over to blue and looks at me like i'm crazy for choosing the biggest weapons, little does he know most of the smaller ones are on my waist. he told me he'd demonstrate first as a little robot dummy came out from behind the other dummy's. i sat there and watched blue fight the dummy for awhile until he got it in the eye and it 'died'. 

it was my turn and i had a perfect plan and if i didn't work i was gonna use my magics as a backup plan.the dummy starts up again and comes at me and i shoot it in the arm but it friken fixed it like theirs a man inside of him or something. i kept shooting him all over and he kept fixing himself, after awhile he finally got me pinned down and i acted defeated until i pulled a pistol from under my shirt and shot him in both eyes, then he was done for. i pushed the 'dead' robot off of me and got up and brushed off the leaves and dirt, i looked at blue and his eyes were wide but he wasn't saying anything.

 he clapped for me and told me that it was time for a bigger robot that even his best warriors had trouble with, he pressed some buttons and that robot from before turned into a hue robot that was like 3 me's on top of each other, i just thought magics for back up. i started shooting his eyes but it seemed this time that wasn't his weak spot as he kept slicing his robotic claws at me. i shot everywhere but i couldn't find his death spot and after awhile he picked me up in his gigantic hands and smiled a robotic smile. i dropped my weapons and decided it was time for magics, my black aura around me started up as the metal from his hand started to burn. he dropped me and my wings came out and caught me as i threw lack fire like balls at him, his metal sizzled but he didn't die, then i thought. i shot a black fire ball in the robots 'area' and he fell instantly and turned back into the smaller robot and 'died' again.

my magics started to die down as i felt my wings disappear and my aura go away as i floated down to the ground .i looked over at blue and he was so shocked he was as pale as a ghost. behind him stood almost the whole pack staring at me, after a few minutes they started clapping and cheering for me while blue came up and hugged me. i smiled but started to get dizzy and i looked around and saw everything start to get black as i passed out.


I woke up late at night around midnight and everything hurt, i couldn't move without being in pain. i looked beside my bed and saw blue asleep in a chair with a empty mug in his hand. beside him was a I.V. stand with I.V hanging down, i followed the tube and figured out it lead to me, how did i not notice?. i take it off and sit up i wait for the dizziness to go away, i decide i need some water but when i go to stand up my legs are jello and instantly fall back on the bed almost waking blue up. i try again while holding onto the bed this time but there still like jello. i sigh in defeat and just sit back against the bed and wait till morning. i think i made to two hours before Blue started to wake up, he instantly looked over at me and jumped out of his chair and into the bed. i giggled at him being so happy to see me awake while he wrapped his hands around my wait and started kissing my neck, that only made my giggling increase.

"blue! stop! it tickles!"

"good, you deserve it for scaring me"

he didn't stop kissing my neck until he decided to trail his kissed from my neck, to my face, then finally to my lips. we sat there kissing for a few minutes before he pulled away and snuggled into stomach. i giggled and started stroking his head.

"angel, go to sleep please, we'll talk when your fully rested"

i take a glance outside and giggle. "blue it is morning"

he takes a glance up to see the sun slowly rising. "just a few more minutes..."

"alright just a few" 

not even five minutes later blue is sound asleep. i slowly get up and lay him on the bed while using all my strength to get up and walk down stairs. i head to the kitchen and get out a cook book, i flip to the P's until i get to pancakes. i spend the whole morning baking pancakes to feed a city, maybe even two. i set they out on the table nicely and get a bunch of plates ready for everyone.


and that's when i heard what sounded like a stampede...shoot....

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