Chapter 10- hideous

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I wake up with the weirdest feeling ever.I stand up and see they put a big mirror leaning against the wall.I walk up to it and gasp when I see my own reflecting.I now have full night black fur with horns behind my ears and slightly over a bit more and demonic wings right by my shoulder blades.I see tears flood out of my eyes as I stare at my reflection disgusting no one will ever wanna touch or even look at me again I'm a monster, monster monster monster.I curl up into a ball and cry and as if my new wings new my emotion they wrapped themselves around me and I sat crying until I heard that stupid sicking voice I wanted to tear apart.

"hello there" he stops in his tracks and stares at me.

"wow didn't expect you to look like that but on the other hand you are a hybrid so it makes sense"

he opens the door expecting me to just stay there but as soon as its open wide enough I dash out the door and slam threw an iron bolted shut door, wow I am strong.I dash threw a lot of people who can't seem to stop me and I run into the woods and stop at a cliff and I collapse and look at the water beneath me.I look on the shore around the water and out of all people I see blue.I wanted to scream for him but for one he wouldn't recognize me and also I don't want him to see me like this I'm hideous.I get out of my thoughts when I hear a growl and look down to see blue looking and growling at me.

I close my eyes so we cant make eye contact because he'll for sure know then.I wonder why he's not confused by my other features. when I open my eyes blue is gone and I look at my back and see my wings are gone and I'm guessing my horns are gone too.I look at my tail and see my fur starting to change to white, it goes all until my paws and it stops so it looks like I'm wearing black socks but it's my fur.i sigh in relief and walks down around the cliff and down to the shore.I drink the water and get tackled.

"Who are you?!?!?"

I just whimper in response and keep my eyes shut cause I'm too terrified to see who it is.wait sense when am I scared.i kick the legs up and hit whoever is on top of me and turn us around so I'm standing over them I open my eyes and see its blue, and I think he recognizes it's me too because he starts licking my face and I stumble back and he attacks me with more wolf kisses.

"Blue s-stop!" I say threw laughs.

"Never! I missed you sooooo much!"

He stops after what felt like an hour of wolf kisses and I wipe the tears from laughing out of my eyes and just stare into his eyes.he lays down and I turn O over so I'm laying down too, he wraps himself around me and puts his head on top of mine.
"Love, I promise I won't let them take you again"

"I know it wasn't your fault but I just wish before I got out I could have kicked some demon ass!"

He laughs at what I say and sighs." we have a lot to talk about tomorrow love"

"Hey blue?"

"Yes angel?"

"I love you" I say then snuggle into him.

He smiles at me and pulls me closer."I love you too angel"

After a while of just enjoying the moment, I slowly fall asleep against my little protector.he seems to follow not long after as we both drift off to a well-needed rest, together.

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