Chapter 28- mixed emotions

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I woke up on my and Blue's bed, I heard multiple loud voices. I covered my ears and groaned and they all shut up, thank Nutella. yes, I still kinda cuss, but I like using different words instead. and if u don't like it then go pringles yourself. anyways I heard blue try and wake me up but I just groaned in response. after awhile I got up,


"Are you alright? you fainted" stupid hot man yes I'm okay.

"I'm fiiiiiiine" well, actually now I'm hungry. uuuugh, I need Nutella.

"Are you sure?"

"no, I need Nutella"

just like that he runs off and comes back with Nutella and hands it to me. I eat the who thing and the boy's gap and me and I shrug. oh yeah, all the boys are here, great I bet blue told them. I wonder.....

"BLUE IMA KILL YOU" bingo, rose, right on time.

"rose calm down!!! how are you mad!!! its gonna be the cutest baby ever" aaaaaand lavarie..... dang that girl is hyper.

blue takes off while rose chases him. I just laugh and scrape out any Nutella left. lavarie sits beside me while the boy's chase rose. I look down at my stomach and realize I already have a baby bump and blush like crazy. how? I just found out?!

"it's okay, your baby's half werewolf, it'll grow fast, don't freak out. most people it takes 9 months. but werewolves take 4 weeks"


"calm down its gonna be fine, I can't wait!!!"

I just glare and lay down on the bed. do I want a baby? wait duh I love kids. but am I ready? I will I be a good mother? oh nooo, I'm gonna be a bad mother. is it gonna be a boy or girl? what are we gonna name it? OH, maybe me and blue can make a cute room for them. uuuuuuuuuugh my mind is a mess. I take a deep breath and sigh.

blue comes back a few minutes later looking fine, which is a surprise. he explains that diesel came and grabbed her and took her back to their room. I'm pretty sure he'll keep her busy *nudge nudge* hehe. anyways I decided to ask blue to build a room for the new baby. he agreed and I already had an awesome idea. I love the color light blue and purple which is like a boy and girl color so I have an idea. blue runs and gets the paint while the boys clear out a room next to me and blues. their gonna install a door later to connect our rooms as well.

 after awhile, they finish and me and blue start to paint the walls white. the carpets already light gray which is awesome, after we're done I dip my hands in the purple paint and start putting hand prints on the wall. blue does the same in the light blue paint. we decided this would be cute and then when the baby's born when they get to be a toddler we'll leave some space so they can put theirs.

after an hour or two, we finish and it looks adorable. we decided to just put in a crib that way we don't get any colors wrong. we also put in a rocking chair too, blue sits in the rocking chair and I sit on his lap. he wraps his arms around me and sets them on my stomach, I closed my eyes and smile. this is bliss. we stay like that for awhile till someone calls for blue, he kisses me then goes off to do his alpha business. I decide to go to the bathroom and take a bath, I get in and lay down and start to think about everything. so much has happened. and it's all turned out good. right, when I think that blue comes rushing in and I jump.


"we have a problem...."


"do you know someone named Cali?"

" Pringles"

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