Chapter 25- asleep

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Quick question, Alpha's Little Demon or Alpha Blue? tell me in the comments, Thanks!

I wake up in a strange room with a tile looking ceiling and a nausea feeling in my stomach. i go to sit up but everything ace's so bad i end up falling back down which didn't help. i have something on my mouth which i cant see cause my vision is all hazy. there's a stand thing next to me with multiple tubes and wires leading into me, i think.i can hear talking but i cant tell if its coming from inside or outside this room. i think about what happend, blue was hurt.......and i helped him, dominic's dead and i'm.....dying? dead? i don't know..., i see a figure of someone walk in and and turn of the machine thing next to me. after a few minutes my vision because less hazy and i become less dizzy as well. i blink a couple of times and see a doctor next to me, i sit up and she slowly helps me and that's when i get a good look at my body.

 i have bandage wraps all around my stomach and my right leg for some reason. i have a small bandage around my neck and a mask thing over my mouth. i take the thing off my mouth and take a deep breathe of fresh air. i go to talk but i start to get a dizzy feeling, i look over at the doctor and she shakes her head no which i guessed was meant for me talking, or more not to talk. sense i couldn't talk i decided to give her a puzzled look, maybe then she'd explain things to me and clear some stuff up. she seemed to get what i meant as she started to explain everything....

"Alpha was brought in last month and quickly healed, you however had a broken leg, a horrible bite on your neck, and bad claw marks on your stomach. you've been out for a month now and everyone has been worried, Alpha stayed with you without leaving for 2 weeks until his parents convinced him to leave. i decided to wait for you to get a grasp of whats going on before i alerted him your awake."

after she finished telling what had happend she hands me a giant glass of water. i drink some and cough which i think i heard her say is my voice coming back. i drink more until i'm hydrated and look back at the doctor. she tells me to try and speak while she mind links Blue. i try my best and it takes me a couple of times to actually get my voice out...

"h-hello?" my voice sounds high and kinda raspy which i thought was weird but the doctor thought it was normal.

"good now talk slowly and not too much, after you talk for awhile drink a lot of water to help your voice, i'm letting you go back to the pack house with blue with some medications"


i watched as she put a bag together then as she was finishing the door came swinging open and busted off the hinged with a loud THUD. blue was standing there with the happiest face i think I've ever seen him have and when his eyes landing on me, it got brighter. he ran over to me in a heart beat and had me in a giant soft hug, if that makes any sense. i just let him hug me as i took in his warmth and realized how cold i was, dang. after what felt like forever he finally let go only to kiss me but hey, i'm not complaining. we kissed for a little bit till i remembered the doctor and weakly pushed blue away while giggling a little. the doctor must of informed him because me scooped me up and unplugged everything from me then grabbed the fairly big bag from the doctor and ran out and carried me all the way back to the pack house into our room.

Blue laid me on the bed and set out everything from the bed on the table next to me, i reached over and picked up the paper that he had gotten out and set beside the medications. 'take these pills each day, bottle A take 1, Bottle B take one, Bottle C blah blah blah...., Take these pills for the next week then check in' so it'll only be a week? i can do that no problem. Blue hands me some pills and a bottle of water and i take one at a time until there gone and i lay back on the bed.  even after being asleep for so long i'm still tired. Blue gets in bed beside m and pulls me up to his chest and after seconds i can hear is snoring, i just giggle and think 'someones needy'...

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