Chapter 1

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I've been packing for the past few days and I still feel like I'm forgetting something. I wonder if Pete felt the same when he was packing. I wonder If he even misses me. Never mind I don't care anymore. I've gotten over the sappy cliché that my best friend left me.

1 week later

"Soroya!!" My mother shouted from downstairs.

"I'm coming." I called back. I grabbed my bags and ran down the stairs almost landing on my face. Almost.

I walked towards the door my mother stood patiently waiting for me. When she turned around and looked at me I could see her red puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks. I gave her a soft smile reassuring her I'm going to be okay.

"Why are you crying? I'll visit when I can I promise." I said.

"I know but my only baby's leaving the house. Do you seriously expect me to just let you go without crying a little." She said laughing.

"You know what I think of tears mom?" I asked smiling.

"What?" she asked happily.

"I honestly think it's a waste of water." I replied smirking.

She laughed and said goodbye, we hugged and off I went to the airport.

When I finally boarded my plain I realised I did forget something, my earphones...


When I arrived in Washington I had a sore neck and my ears were screaming at my for silence. It wasn't because there was a crying babies or snoring men it was because the girl next to me wouldn't shut up and as soon as the plain had landed I was out of my chair sprinting to the door. But obviously I had to make a U turn because I forgot my luggage.

The place I will be staying at is apparently a big apartment, the only thing is I will be sharing it with the owner. Mr Marshall. He also own's the cute little coffee shop downstairs.

I walked into the coffee shop struggling with my luggage. If I didn't mention this before I'm kind of a klutz. Before I could fall the girl behind the counter rushed to my aid by taking one of my bags.

"Thanks... Thea." I said pausing to read her name tag.

"No problem. You must be Miss Clarke." She said polity.

"We're probably the same age don't make me feel old." I said as we both laughed.

"Call me Soroya." I said shaking her hand.

"Well Soroya I'll take you to you apartment follow me." She said putting emphasis on my name. I laughed and followed her. It was really annoying having to carry the suitcases up the stairs and it was hard not for me to fall every time I took a step.

"So here's the keys. Mr Marshall won't be back until 7 tonight so he told me to tell you to make yourself at home." Thea said handing me the keys.

"I would help you in but I need to finish my shift I'll check on you before I leave. Bye." She waved as she walked away.

"Bye Thea." I greeted back.

I put the key in the lock and twisted right the door opened and I stepped in with my bags.

"Home sweet home." I muttered to myself.

This looked more like a penthouse except in wasn't. I wondered through my now new home until I spotted a door with a sticky note on.
It read

Miss Clarke this room belongs to you I'm sorry if it's dusty I never cleaned in a while.

-Mr Marshall

Mr Marshall. I never thought I'd hear the surname again, but you know the world doesn't like me so...

I opened the door and just when I thought I had a safe trip I tripped over the grey matt that was my bedroom floor.

I'm such a klutz.


When I finally finished packing my things. I sat on my bed and looked around my room for the first time.

I was big and spacious. White walls ,white wooden bed, white bedding, white peadastills on each side, a mirror the size of half my right wall the other half just a huge window from roof to floor like the mirror, white cubboared, white chest of drawers and my favourite grey matt that I tripped on when I walked in.

My room has its own bathroom and it's beautiful. It's charcle marble, everything is marble the walls, the floor, and the steps to go into the jacuzz bath thing and the shower.

So I start running bath water with some bubble bath I found in the cubboared. I striped down to nothing and stepped in the bath once in was full.

It was the perfect temperature and the bubbles just covered my cleavage. Right now everything felt perfect. I had a book in my hand and the perfect apartment.

What could possibly go wrong?


Hey guys this is the first book I'm writing so please don't judge it too hard but feel free to let me know what you think.


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