Chapter 3

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We ate breakfast downstairs in the cute little coffee shop. All three of us sat at the table in the corner.

After breakfast John left and we went back upstairs.

"I'm sorry." Peter said looking me in the eyes. Which was good because I  could see withing those beautiful chocolate brown eyes that he was telling the truth.

"Why? Why did you leave me?" I asked my voice breaking at the end.

"After the acciden-" He started.

"Don't. Talk about it." I said in a stern voice.

"Well after what happened I couldn't take it there anymore and I was in no position to ask you to leave with me."

"You could have stayed and we could've worked it out."

"I couldn't... I couldn't look you in the eyes after what happened."

"You never said goodbye." I whispered looking at my feet.

"Because I knew if I saw you I break and I wouldn't be able to leave, but I needed to... I needed to forget." He said looking torn. Just like I was when he left.

"Why didn't you keep in contact with me. I tried to call but you never picked up. I sent you letters, you never replied. I was seriously considering flying here one weekend." I said breathing heavily.

"I didn't know how to start. I didn't  know what to say. I didn't know what you were expecting me to say. I was just lost. I thought you would hate me after that."

"Why would I hate you it wasn't your fault!" I shouted starting to feel irritated that he would think that. We were best friend's for so long and he thinks I would blame him for a crime he didn't commit. Tears started streaming down my face, only fueling my anger.

"The best thing you could have done for me was stay! I needed you then more than ever and you abandoned me! Do you know how many sleepless nights I've went through because you weren't there to hold me! To tell me everything was going to be okay! Most nights I cried not because I lost one but two people I cared about the most! You didn't even have the guts to say goodbye. So what if you stayed? We would've worked it out. We always do..." I was completely sobbing right now. He came over wrapped his arms around me while I continued to cry. He pulled away with tears in his eyes.

"I'm so so sorry. I promise I will never hurt you again." He said a single tear falling down his cheek. I put my hands on his face and rubbed it away.

I gave him a closed mouth smile and he rested his forehead against mine. We were still in that position in front of the door when it swung open only our tears were wiped away.

"Ohhh. So that kind of friends." John said giving us one of his signature smirks. But it truly wasn't like that. Our friendship was totally platonic. I laughed because it's stupid to think if your best friend like that... right?

"Yeah didn't you know." Pete joked visibly tightning his arms around me. He let go and walked away saying he was gonna shower.

"It's okay you don't have to get overprotective. She's not my type."Pete just walked away. Ouch. The asshat doesn't even no me.

"You say that like I'm  interested."

"You sure you're not."


"You sound so confident."

"That's because I am." I smirked. With one large step he was in front of me. So close I could feel his breath on my face. I would be lying if I said I wasn't uncomfortable, but at the same time didn't mind. He lifted his hand grazing his thumb lightly over my cheek. I sucked in a sharp breath, but it wasn't because he touched me it was because for the first time looked into his eyes and all I saw was lust.

I immediately moved away from him.

"I'm starving." I said not realising I just had breakfast.

"But babe we just ate." He said smirking. I glared at him while walking to the kitchen.

"It's okay I lost my appetite now anyway."

"Your feisty I like it." He said. So cliché .

"Yeah I'm a real catch. Now get out of my way." I said when he stood in the doorway separating the lounge from the kitchen.

"What if I don't want to." He challenged.


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