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Asphodel froze. She felt like she had just been stupefied three times in a row. She was already red in the face as it was, admitting to James that her patronus was a squirrel, but she had no idea how much redder it could get with him saying it was cute.

"Y-You think so?" Asphodel stuttered. No, Asphodel. He only said that because you wanted him to. The tiny voice in her head said sarcastically. But it was a dumb question. "When we were in class, one of the Slytherins said that I'd never be able defend against a Dementor with it."

"He was probably jealous. And I am too! I haven't been able to conjure my patronus for weeks." James said. "Even Evans has hers. She's quite the showoff."

"Yeah," Asphodel nodded her head, "she looks like a studious Gryffindor."

"I know she is. She's always telling me to get away because I'm always interrupting her studying and whatever, but she can't be studying all the time." James said.

"Don't you have studying to do of your own?" Asphodel asked.

"You're funny." James replied. Asphodel tried not to take offense at the remark. "Who needs to study when you have all the information stored right in here." James said and pointed to his head.

"I thought your brain had a limited capacity." Asphodel remarked, resulting in a smack to the head.

"I'm way smarter than you think. And you're a Hufflepuff, why are you so mean?" James pouted.

"Sorry, you know I didn't mean it. I'll make it up to you later." Asphodel said. That made James smile.

"There's the Hufflepuff." He grinned. "I know how you can make it up to me. How about we play Quidditch this evening? I'm going to force you to try out no matter what. And if you don't, I'll throw acorns at you."

"There's perfectly other good uses for acorns, and anyway, we'll see about that."

After Asphodel had finished all her classes and done most of her homework, she threw on her best Quidditch gear and headed to the field. She found James twirling around a broomstick, and couldn't help but laugh when it dropped on his head.

"You didn't see that." James swiftly picked the broomstick up and hid it behind his back.

"See what?" Asphodel replied jokingly.

"Oh, Asphodel, I brought a few friends along so I hope you don't mind. Except Peter would rather be a spectator." James moved to the side as Remus and Sirius made their way onto the field.

"That's not fair!" Asphodel placed her hands on her hips. "You should have let me bring someone too!" She was slightly annoyed that James had brought his friends, not because they were bad, but because they got in the way.

"Eh, you're probably good enough to beat the three of us." Remus said.

"That's incorrect." Sirius argued.

Asphodel paid no mind as she snatched the snitch out of James's hand and threw it into the air. "We'll just play already, but since it's unfair, we don't necessarily have to abide by the rules."

As the game started, Asphodel realized that that was a bad idea.

"Sirius, you're going to wrong goal!" James called out as he circled around the arena.

"That's because I switched teams!"

"That's not how it works!" Remus called back.

"It does now!" Asphodel shouted. Just then, a hint of gold caught her eye. She accelerated on her broom and never lost sight of it. She reached out her arm and had her palm open, waiting for the feeling of the gold ball wrapped around her hand. But instead, something else came.

James came speeding up beside her and with one hand he grabbed her hand tightly. She instantly lost all sense of Quidditch and turned bright red as  he used his hand to spin her around and force her away from the snitch. She spun around in circles until at last she landed safely on the ground, defeated, James having the snitch in his own palm.

"Aw, I guess it was a bit too late for me to switch teams." Sirius shrugged. "You played well though."

"Thanks, but not good enough." Asphodel sighed in defeat as she reluctantly handed over her victory to James. "I won't ever be able to make the team. I'm too slow and get distracted too easily."

"That's no reason to not try out." Remus said crossing his arms. "This game wasn't played fairly, so try not to get discouraged. In a real match, you'll outshine James in any position, really."

"I guess." Asphodel smiled.

"ASPHODEL!" They all turned their heads as a girl made her way to the field at top speed. "ASPHODEL!" she called out again.

"Faun, what's wrong?" Asphodel asked, wiping sweat off her forehead.

"What's wrong? Oh you know, just the fact that I had no idea where you were and thought something ate you, and I mean, I wouldn't care, it's just that a letter arrived for you and it was deemed 'Highly Important', at least that's what was on the letter. It's not really a big deal, and I was just, you know, seeing if you wanted to check it out." Faun grimaced as she panted.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were wanting to see me." Asphodel hated when Faun began her sarcastic talk, it drove her crazy. 

"Oh, and I forgot to mention, not that it's even remotely important, but dinner just started." Faun watched the expressions of the four students turn. "And your friend," Faun looked at the three boys, "um who was it, Peter? He's there too, but sadly there isn't any food left for you guys."

"Ah, bloody-" Sirius started to say, but when he realized Remus was already off, he ran to catch up with him.

"It was a good match, Asphodel, you cute squirrel." James smiled at the new nickname he had just given her and headed off.

Asphodel had just shook the feeling of James's hand intertwined with hers, but she gained it all back again with his comment.

"Oh, so you're a cute squirrel now, huh?" Faun asked with a raised brow.

"Don't question it, please." Asphodel murmured embarrassingly.

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