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As Asphodel walked off the field with her teammates, she felt her arm being tugged in a different direction as she was yanked from the group.

"Asphodel!" James, Faun, Remus, Sirius, and Peter seemed to say in unison. Faun pulled her best friend into a hug. "That was awesome!" She exclaimed as she clasped her hands together. "Quidditch Cup here we come!"

"Don't get too confident, Fauny," Sirius interjected as he crossed his arms.

"Padfoot shut up, it's not about us now." Remus said from behind him and Sirius gave him a glare.

"Anyway," James said loudly, distracting Asphodel from the arguing going on behind them. "That was one of the best matches I have ever seen. And maybe even the shortest."

Asphodel smiled as she twirled her broom around nervously. "Aw, you mean it?" Asphodel asked as her cheeks flushed. The redness in her face from the match covered it up thankfully.

"Of course I do." James replied and smiled. "Well I'm looking forward to going against you once you beat the Slytherins."

"I'm not sure... they're pretty—" Asphodel started to say, the feeling of self doubt creeping up on her.

"Come on, Del, don't doubt yourself. We both saw that match and how amazing you did. The Slytherins are too cocky for their own good." James reassured and she laughed.

"Are you sure it's only the Slytherins?" Remus said, popping himself into their conversation. He side eyed James and James rolled his eyes. "It was a good game Asphodel. We needed someone to beat the Ravenclaws. But, we should get going and you have a party to be at, right?"

Asphodel nodded and waved goodbye to James and his friends as Faun grabbed her hand and they skipped over to the Hufflepuff common room.

Asphodel had never seen so many Hufflepuffs gathered around in one area before. Half of the people there she didn't even know were in her house. As soon as the door opened, Asphodel was greeted with a bunch of cheers and shouts. She smiled and waved nervously as she navigated her way through the crowds.

She found Amos and the rest of her teammates gathered around the window. Some were sitting on the ledge, others on the table, and the rest were just standing. "There's the superstar!" Amos said as he saw her and Faun approach, lifting up a bottle of fire whiskey. He tossed it to her and she caught it suddenly.

"I don't drink." Asphodel replied and smiled at the end to make it seem like she wasn't coming off rude. She was only sixteen, wasn't it illegal for all of them?

"Come on Asphodel," Link said as he rolled another bottle to her across the table, "You've earned it."

"Thanks, but I don't want it." Asphodel refused politely. She felt the bottle slip away from her hands and turned to her right to see Faun opening the lid.

"I'll have it." Faun said and Asphodel thought she was joking. Asphodel started to protest but Faun simply shook her head.

"How much do you want to bet she can chug that whole thing?" One of the Hufflepuff beaters asked the other.

"Three Galleons." The other one answered without hesitation.

"Three Galleons from both of you. If I chug it, that's six." Faun said as she placed the bottle on the table and pulled her hair back from her face.

"Faun, what are you—" Asphodel lifted up a hand but put it down as it was no use convincing her otherwise.

"Look, winning that match was a big deal. It doesn't hurt to celebrate every once in awhile." Faun replied as she gripped the bottle of fire whiskey tighter around her fingers. The beaters started counting down and Asphodel waited nervously.

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