Chapter 12

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So I averaged up how many views I had per chapter and its 28.4.
So to my loyal 28 ppl and to that one person @ 0.4, we all understand man, it's okay were all dying inside Anyway.
For the sake of living IG I'll make a triple update ugh.
Freaking life
Also, some Smut. XD enjoy.

It had been about 3 hours since I left my house in search for Niall. It was brood daylight, how can he be that unnoticeable?! That's when I saw him lying on a park bench, a beer bottle placed beside him and one on the ground. I slammed on the brakes and ran out of the car as quickly as I could to Niall. He was passed out, no sign of him waking up anytime soon. I fell on my knees next to him and broke down in tears. I sobbed in his chest for a few moments before attempting to pick him up. Failing miserably, I gave up, preparing myself to have to guard him for a few hours. Just then I tall man walked up beside me. I diverted my attention from Niall to this man.
"Do you need some help?" He asked.
"Um sure I guess? I mean that would be great, but can you-" he cut me off picking up my sleeping Niall.
"Um alright."
I lead him to my car and the man laid Niall down in the back seat.
"Is that all?"
"Um yes, thank you really."
He started to walk off
"Wait- I didn't catch your name."
"Name's Roman." And he was gone.
I watched him walk into the distance. I'd never seen this dude before, but I'm happy he showed up now.
I got in my car and went back home.

Traffic was terrible. I laid my head on the wheel obviously annoyed and tired.
Then out of no where someone's hand grabbed me causing me to hit the horn.
It set off a chain reaction of people hitting their horns too which was a little stupid, but whatever.
I turned around and looked at Niall. He looked like he was in a lot of pain, enough to vomit which I would not appreciate in my car. He was strong though, he rarely ever got sick enough to, but the look of him told me differently.
"You alright?"
"Wanna explain what happened?"
He opened his eyes hesitantly.
"N-no. I'mm s-sorry Calv-vy"
I rolled my eyes. He obviously had a hangover.
I kept my eyes focused on the road.  This kid in front of me was turning around in the back seat staring at me.  I flipped him off.  His eyes went a little wide, but he retaliated with 2 middle fingers.
I then whipped both of my hands copying him, but mouthing "S C R E W Y O U"
He continued to hold up both fingers and asked his friend something. Pretty soon, his friend held up his phone with a picture of a cartoon bad quality pussy on it and he pointed from it to me to infer that "oh how original, I'm a pussy, of course."  The boys sat there and laughed. I glared at both of them until they turned around.
"That's what I thought."
About five hundred years later I finally got home with Niall. I helped him out, and we walked back to the house together.
As soon as I closed the door I pushed Niall into the nearest wall and kissed him.
His breath was the most nastiest thing I've ever smelt and tasted but I didn't care.  I grabbed his crotch and palmed at it while making an attempt to get his shirt off.  Once that was gone I put my mouth to his ear and nibbled on it while kissing it at the same time.  He just moaned softly. I could tell he wasn't very aware, just letting whatever happen, happen.
I whispered into his ear "Niall you listening?"
"Don't you ever do that again, you understand?"
"A-as long as y-yo nevurr leave me i-I'll nevurr snick away from yew."
I moved down to his mouth and kissed him with more passion than I had ever before. "I won't leave you Niall.
"I wove yew calvy for furever"
I put one hand around his neck and one in his pants just because he was adorable when he was drunk and he'd get super mad when he figured out that I jerked him off while he was in this state. 
"c-calvy" he let out many uncontrolled moans. Usually he holds them back, but not now.
I gave him another passionate kiss when he was finishing.
His last moan was shaky and long. I thought it was adorable.
I then walked him to the couch and helped him lie down.
Giving him one last kiss, I went to my room and went to sleep.

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