let's talk this though , k ? *part 1*

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(( hello everyone -- I'm so sorry that I took me so long to continous on the story but I got really really busy these days at school , and I would hope that everyone will forgive me for this mess, the story will continous for load more of chapter , so I would try my best on post these up here .

-And also for staring now to the future chapter I would be using " * " this dot to identifing the action of the character , hope that It't would not interfearing to ur reading , plz continous and enjoys the story ** give u a big smile** !! ))

------------------------O~o~O~o~O~ o~<3~O~o~O o~O~o~O----------------------

 The bell finaly rang ...it's been quiet a "ride" at school wheather I like it's or not I still have ta go and see Tom ... "At  the school back yard...." I grumble to myself... " this is gonna be the only thing I would try for this dude... well ..." I start to thinking around stuff while walk to my closet and to the yard. 

" He's not really that much of a bad person , I know how he felt tho', kinda like how I would felt for Jackie but  different!if that person is a girl, he did say that like that person instead of Star, It's a girl I guess...however I can't just compare myself to this guys bussiness, but O can't just, leave him like this ... I know how that felt, and man that hurt, although he could just move on and leave a better life , maybe I should just helf the best I can to find this Zaid preson for him , that could be an importance preson to his life that could encouragehim though his broken life, and he should learnt to control his manner too, ...man that was a lot for him ... " thinking thinking thinking ... ((I have no idea how much he could think (^VV^))tho ...)

"Hey ..!" A voice pop up right next to me "W-wut??..". " Dude , you thinking of something ?" I look up, and he just right there holding on my shoulder with a smile. "W-wat ...n-no , there nothing ,heh" *sigh* "I cant just tell u wat I think, that non of ur biss" I push him over abit, but not just try to be such a bad-ass kid or making him felt odd about me . but anyway let get on to the topic, *couch abit* " Okay now, you wanna talk about this person ... Zaid, well I would glad to help" *gave him a smile*.

"Glad to hear you said it's, I'm happy to have a person who can help me *smile-lean to the wall* I know that I alway bugging you, but this Zaid person to me is really important to me and I would hope that Zaid would felt the same, ... I just need Zaid to felt happy around me, and ... that all.. " Well this is shock , I have never seen Tom like this ,even that it's normal but...

"hey , Tom don't felt so depressing all over it , I'm here to help, I might just know how u felt in a way, but we can work thing out, so don't be so sad okay ?*pat on Tom back*" 

"*Tom nods* hummm, thanks...so how are we going to work this out then ?" I can only look at him and think that he'll smile, but all of the answear is a sad nods " gosh I didnt think he would be sad about this ... *Marco think* " 

" Let's talk slowly till this whole think though okay ? " 

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