Tattoos randomly pop up

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Wow, this is insane! I am actually immortal. I just can´t believe it! Well it must be true, since weird little me tested said immortality by stabbing myself with a knife... It wouldn't have been all that fortunate if I had been mortal after all, but, seeing as there wasn't an ounce of blood, that didn't seem to be my concern.So my thoughts on this are basically: WICKED!!! Ben had to leave, he said that it was important... But do you know what that means? It means VIDEO GAMES!!! I headed to my room, ready to catch a few new Pokémon when this happened:

I opened the door to my room and sat down on my bed. But something wasn´t right... I had this weird feeling i was being watched... Hmmm, whatever. I got my nintendo and started playing pokemon X. I was so close to catching myself a legendary Pokemon when i felt cool breath on my neck. I turned around slowely, no one was there. I went back to my game, but something had changed. my Nintendo had been turned off.

"Shit... I was so close..." I cursed under my breath while turning the Nintendo back on. normally, the menu should´ve appeared but appearently my nintendo was like 'Fuck it, let´s scare the shit out of Blaire!´. Two black  eyes were staring at me and even though it was on screen, it seemed 3D.  a text appeared on the bottom of the screen. It said 'turn around...´ in pale letters. I felt a cold shudder go down my back as i turned around. My breath got stuck in my throat while a soundless yell escaped my, suddenly dry, mouth.

'Hello, sweet cheeks..."


I opened my eyes, i was in a black... Something... No furniture, color, no outlines of any kind of solidness (it probably wasn't a word, but I couldn't care less at the moment). I looked down at my hands, i could barely make out a skull-shaped scar, it was still bleeding. But i shouldn´t be able to bleed. How was that even possible then? Suddenly a light blazed somewhere in the back of the... Well whatever i was in. I stood up, my legs shaky and my lungs refusing to breathe normally. Slowely, i made my way towards the back of the room. But i didn´t come any closer to the light, no matter how many steps i took. the light was fading, i was trying to yell, call for help, but i couldn´t find my voice. the light had vanished and a new kind of thing appeared, the air rippled  and a picture started forming in the middle of the room. Ben and another girl were visible, they were having some kind of conversation. But they seemed to be speaking in another language. They went on like this for about five minutes, then they changed back to English.

'I have to go...´ Ben said.

'Are you sure?´ The girl said.

'Yes, i don´t want you to be in danger, i´m sorry...´

'I´ll miss you.´ she took his hand.

'I have to return to the mortal world now... good-bye Lacy.´

'Why won´t you stay in the world of demons with me? Why won't you return home? Why do you always leave?´ The girl, Lacy, asked.

'You know i have no choice, but i´ll be back soon... I promise!´ Ben reassured her. Then he kissed her. I gasped, my heart just broke into two peaces. I put my hand through the image, making it dissolve. 

'He´s a bastard, leave him...´ a scratchy voice whispered in my mind.

'Who are you?´ I asked. The voice laughed.

'I can´t tell you, my love. Good-bye.´ what the?

But i had no time to end my thought. Pain surged through my body.  My skin peeled off revealing small detailed spots all over my body, they were dark, making me blend in with this area. Tge pain was nearly unbearable, when i passed out.


My eyes shot open and I got up a little too fast, leaving me with pain once again. Half expecting to find myself in utter darkness, i was surprised wgen the sight of my room hit me. My DS was still on, my game exactly where it haf stopped. Had i plainly dozed off? Probably. I raised my hand (do i need to mention it was painful? ) to rub my eyes wheb something felt... Different. I pulled back my hand staring at my palm, nothing there. I was imagining things, how stupid. I smiled to myself,  I was way too paranoid. 'Wait a minute... No it was a stupid thought...Then again...' My mind was racing. I took a deep breath and looked at the back side if my hand. My body stiffened when I saw the bleeding scar. The worst part?  It gad multiplied. I rubbed and rubbed but nothing didn't change, well it was painful, but the skulls definitely didn't budge. So it wasn´t a scar it was a tattoo. A tattoo that was way too detailed to have been created by a human. I went over to a mirror next to me TV. I stared into the frame and examined the rest if my body, pulling up the sleeves of my Hoodie. My heart skipped a beat, rather felt like ten beats, but that didn't matter. Mirror-me had tiny bleeding skulls all over her arms. Mortified, i ran out of my room. It was two in the morning, but i didn´t care right now. I ran through the hall, frantically hammering on Ronnies door.

'God, calm down, i-´ Ronnie started, but when she saw my horrified expression upon hearing me explain the situation way too fast (I'm serious, I made it sound like another language) she shut up and let me enter.

'Whoa, calm down, dude. What the fuck happened?´ she asked. I told her about everything that had just happened (slightly slower but still really fast. ) When i showed her the tattoos that had magically popped up all over my arms, her mouth opened and closed, as if trying to say something comforting.

'Brilliant...´ She stated. So much for comforting.

'Brilliant? Why the fuck is this brilliant?´ I yelled at her.

'Sorry, but... Wait did you say Ben made out with this bitch?!´ I nodded, the heart broke feeling returning. 'Blaire, another Murder has just been added to my list... ' Her voice changed and her face darkened. 

'Calm down we don´t even know if it was real!´ I shushed her, i really hoped nobody had heard her.

'The Tattoos are obviously real!'

'But still-' I argued. Then the front door opened.

'Well, lets ask Ben then...´ Ronnie got smiled, annoyance written on her face and ran out of the room. I followed her, hoping she wouldn´t yell too much. Oh well i was wrong. She poked her finger onto his chest.

'What were you thinking? Kissing this bitch! And what the heck is the 'world of the demons´?´ She confronted him. Ben´s face turned really pale, even paler than it normally is, if that was even possible.

'How- how did you know?´ He asked Ronnie.

'So you freaking DID?!?!?´

'Listen, it was nothing! Don´t tell Blaire, okay?´ So he still hadn´t seen me.

'Well too bad for you, you little bastard, i know already!´ I slapped him and ran away.

'Wait Blaire, hold up! You don´t understand!´ Ben yelled.

'Oh believe me i understand!´I yelled back and slammed the door to my room. Someone tried to open the door from the outside, probably Ben. I locked the door hurriedly and layed down in my bed. I started playing CoD, trying to forget what just happened, but the thought just wouldn´t stop crossing my mind.


Thanks for reading.

Jeffthekillr, here´s a dedication for you. thank you for commenting ;)


Video games... A Ben Drowned love storyWhere stories live. Discover now