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"Come on, listen to me babe!"

"I´m not your babe!" I yelled at Ben through my locked door. The past couple of days he had been camping outside my room, waiting for me to open the door and talk to him. But no way hoseé, i´ll just go on playing Minecraft, CoD and Halo. Although i gave up playing the legend of Zelda, because link reminded me too much of Ben and that just made me angry all over again.

"Blaire, i don´t even know what i did!" That got my attention, i stumbled to the door and ripped it open.

"You don´t even know what you did? You must be f*cking kidding me!" I yelled making him wince.


"No not Blaire!" I cut him off.

"Please, listen to me. Blaire i can explain!" He pleaded.

"Well, go on then, Lets hear what you got now."

" Two days ago Ronnie came up to me and smacked me, saying something about cheating on you. Everybody glares at me except for Jeff who tells me i´m a jerk. Even Heather won´t talk to me, innocent little Heather! So i thought you could explain to me what i supposedly did. Because i would never cheat on you! I think you are absolutely beautiful, i really love that you are the only person who can beat me in Video games and when you killed those guys in the woods, i was drooling, you just looked so hot!" he explained. 

"Ben, then what do you think did my dream mean? What about the tattoos? And do you have an explanation for what you said when you came back to the mansion the other day?" I demanded half-heatedly.

"Hold on a second. What dream? What tattoos? And most important of all: I´ve never left the mansion ever since you became immortal..."


Ben and i were in my room.  I was showing him the figures on my skin, made with permanent ink. Since i had that dream, five extra tattoos magically appeared each night. It was creepy. Ben was silently pacing around the room while i put my hoodie back on. He was deep in thought and only the sound of the howling afternoon-wind echoed through the hollow mansion. Suddenly, Ben jumped.

"Shit! Oh my flipping god! This is not cool!" he started cursing under his breath, even i  would´ve stuck a bar of soap into his mouth for saying those kind of words aloud. I was too stunned to react. I just remained silent while watching Ben having a angry panic-attack. Finally i got the guts to say something intelligent:

"Uhhh...What now?" 

"Well first of all i have a cramp in my foot. " Ben took a deep breath. " And second of all i think i might have a explanation for the tatoos. Well there was this incident a long, long time ago. I always assumed it was just a legend. Well, a few centuries ago a killer, a young man, the first one of our kind, used to run around and kill people. You think this is normal, right? Well yeah that is. He thought of himself as so powerful, he tried to take over the world." He sighed. "Clicheé, oh well, lets get back to the story. He expected villages to make sacrifices, though nobody took him serious. He wasn´t all that... scary-looking... Well he got mad and put a curse upon all humans. Men turned into bloodthirsty killers and women turned ugly. Only the children were spared, which would explain why there are normal humans again today."

"And what does that have to do with me?"

" Oh yeah right. He had everything. Everything but a girl. He was in love with a princess, the last human that looked normal. So he proposed to her, she was already engaged, which means she refused, he got mad. Made her dream her man was cheating on her. Made her change her mind about not marrying him. Though at a price. First of all it took a long time and many different tries for him to get it right and second of all weird skull-shaped marks appeared all over her skin until her whole body was covered. Also she grew weaker but that´s not important." He sat down on my bed "Quite a drama, huh? Well, good ol slendy assured us it was a stupid legend. But who knows?" 

Video games... A Ben Drowned love storyWhere stories live. Discover now