Back At The Kingdom

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"What do you mean my son is gone!" The King's eyes were filled with intense anger. Nana was right next to him with her hand over her mouth surprised and scared. She knew when her husband got angry there was no way to stop it until he got what he wanted. What he wanted was Adansi.

They were in the throne room when The King's most noble servant, Jelani, gave them the news of Adansi's escape

The King turned to his wife with his eyes were filled with hatred for her, "You did this, Nana. You let our son get away." Nana gasped and jumped from her throne chair.

"Do you not dare say that to me! It was your arranged marriage that put him in a position to run away." The King scoffed.

"I put him in that position because he did not want to follow tradition. It is your fault because you were always babying him. Treating him like a child when he is a man. A man, got dammit! "

"I never treated him like a child!" She rebutted. The King laughed an annoyed laugh.

"Please, woman. Do not think I know about all the time where you would go behind my back and word and tell him that he can wait for as long as he likes when it came to marriage. You disrespected me, you worthless woman."

"I disrespected you?! Do you know how many times you have disrespected me? You may have just spat my name unto the gates of Hell for how many times you have disrespected me. Do not think I have forgotten about that terrible night." The King laughed once more.

"Oh please, that happened years ago." The King got up from his throne and started to leave the throne room but, Nana trailed after him.

"It still happened!" The King stopped and turned to took at her.

"It was your fault it happened. You were not pleasing me like a wife should," Nana rolled her eyes. "And not to mention you ran to your children for comfort. How pathetic." Nana looked at her husband and replayed that dreadful night in her head.

At the time Adansi was only 13 years of age and Akyaa was only two. After a long day of making sure the Ashanti kingdom ran smoothly, Nana thought that she could spend sometime with her husband. She went down the hallway of the palace and saw two guards guarding her and the King's bedroom.

"What are you doing?" She asked as she approached them. The guards kept their focus and did not say a word.

A large bang came from the room and Nana began to worry. "What are you doing? Get out of my way!" She tried to
push her way through the guards but they push her out of the way. Nana stood there with her mouth wide open and displeased filled her eyes. "Get out of my way or I will have you executed at once." The guards looked sheepishly at her and moved out of the way. Nana waved them off and went into the room to see her fate.

Nana witnessed the horrible truth about her husband's adultery.

She watched in horror as he husband laid on top of another woman.

"Why would you do this to me!?" Nana yelled. They both urptedly stopped and the King looked at her nonchalantly.

"You were not pleasing me so I am pleasing myself. If you do not mind, I am busy." The King resumed to what his was doing and the moans started again. 

Nana felt the hands of one of the guards grab her shoulder and she reacted quickly. "Get your filthy hands off of me!" She ran out the room with tears running down her face.

She continued down the hallway into Adansi and Akyaa's room. She looked at her children peacefully sleeping and walked over to Akyaa's crib.

She picked up Akyaa and held her close. "I will never let the dreadful thing I just experienced happen to you, Abofra." Nana weeped. She sat down on the floor near Adansi and also held him close.

Adansi fluttered his eyes open to see him in his mother's arms. "Mother, are you okay." Nana turned abruptly at her now awoken son and held him even closer.

"Adansi, promise your mother something," Nana looked sternly into her son's eyes. "Promise me that you will always treat women with respect and always follow your heart to what is right and true." Adansi nodded.

"Yes, Mother. I promise."

For the rest of the night, Nana held her children close and peacefully watched over them.

"How are we ever going to get Adansi back? Who knows where that damned son of mines went." The King angered, breaking Nana from her memories.

"Maybe we should just let Adansi be. Maybe right now he is happier than he was here." Nana thought out loud. The monster looked bewildered at his wife.

"Woman, are you crazy? Adansi is the next person in line for the throne. What if I die in war? Who will take the throne? Definitely not Akyaa, she is too young and definitely not you, you are too pitiful."

"You have one more time to disrespect me!" The King laughed in Nana's face.

"What are you going to about it, Nana. Strike me? I'll have your hands cut off before you can apologize," The King started to circle around her. "Let's face it. You are weak and a disgrace for a wife. I will send my soldiers to all corners of the Ashanti Kingdom to find Adansi. You will not stop me. I will send them with a message for him if he does not return by the expected date."

"What will be the message for him?" Nana asked all of a sudden. The King stopped in front of his wife and whispered into her ear.

Nana covered her mouth in shock and tears started to form in her eyes. "You would not dare to do that to your own son."

"I am the King. I can do what ever I want. Now, if you excuse me I have a meeting to attend to with Europeans." With that, the King left the throne room.

Nana looked around the room in fear. "Oh Allah. Please protect my son from any harm and danger. Let him be happy and free."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2017 ⏰

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