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It was about 8 at night, Stacy should have closed the shop by now and should be back at her apartment with Cher. The SUV dropped her off at home and she got out and climbed the stairs to the top floor. She couldn't describe the way she was feeling. Her body felt numb her eyes were stinging from holding back tears.

At the house  Stacy left a note that her and Cher would be going out tonight and she was kind of happy that they left, she needed to be alone right now. 

She dropped her purse and and Keys on the couch and went into the bathroom. Amora stood in the mirror looking at herself when all of a sudden she could see Nico standing behind her snaking his arms around her and putting his lips on her neck.

Amora. Nico
She breathed and then he was gone.

Then she couldn't hold in her tears anymore and she cried. All these months she had gotten by without him and now that he's gone she just wanted to be near him again. It's crazy that after all this time he still had a hold on her. She turned on the shower and stripped out of her clothes and got in.

Amora felt so weak. She sat down in the shower and let the water run over her as she cried. What if at this exact moment he was being tortured or he got kidnapped by some bad people and he was hurt and needed help, what if he needed her? But she sat helpless in her home while he suffered. 

It should have put her mind at ease that Lorenzo was looking for him but it didn't, she needed to be looking, she needed to find him.

She began to get light headed as she noticed that the steam in the bathroom was filling the room. She got up and washed up then got out and stumbled to her bed, now her head was pounding as she collapsed on the bed, she looked at her window and saw a shadow of a person. She slowly sat her head up, her vision blurry.

It was a man, he was just sitting there looking at her.

Amora. No, your not here, I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming
She said as she closed her eyes.

She loved to come home and dream, it had been a while since she had dreamed of him.  Usually they were fun little dreams and things to keep her mind off of real word stuff but not tonight. Tonight Nico would come to comfort her.

Nico. Amor
He whispered as he held her in his arms.

Amora. Nico where are you?

Nico. I'm right here love

Amora. I miss you

He lifted her chin and tilted her head up so that he was looking her in the eyes.

Nico. My love
He kissed her lightly on her lips and unwrapped his arms from her waist.

He backed up from her into the darkness.

Amora. Nico no! Come back!

But soon he was out of sight.

Amora. Nico!
She screamed.
Cher. Amora!!! Wake up!!!
She said screaming in her ear.

Amora. Cher! What the hell!

She sat up and looked at her and she was crying.

Amora. Cher what is it!

But she was too frightened to speak. All she did was point to the hallway while she was sobbing.

She got out of bed and walked down the hallway leaving Cher in her room. She could see blood on the white walls and when she rounded the corner into the kitchen she saw it...

Stacy's dead body.

Amora covered her mouth and breathed.

Amora. Stacy
She went to her and tried to shake her but she wouldn't move.

Amora. Oh my god Stacy
She shook her head.

A few hours later the police were at her apartment and Cher and Amora sat outside on the steps. Her house  was surrounded by officers, ambulances, and news trucks.

Stacy was dead on the scene and Cher hadn't stopped crying since then while Amora hadn't even shed a tear . The officers found a broken window in her room, someone broke in and stabbed her while she tried to make a run for it. First in her stomach in her room and then in her back when she made it to the kitchen.

.. Move get out of my way!

They heard a man yell through the crowd.

Lorenzo. Amora!

She saw him appear while police were holding him behind the crime scene tape.

Amora. Let him through

He ran in and grabbed her pulling her into a tight hug.

Lorenzo. Are you okay? I saw on the news, who broke in?

Amora. They don't know, Stacy's dead

Lorenzo. I'm so sorry

Cher. Isn't this? That guy... he was with  that guy that kidnapped you...
She said with tears rolling down her cheeks.

Lorenzo. I'm Lorenzo, you must be Cher

Cher. No what is he doing here?

Amora. Relax he's one of the good guys

Cher. No! He helped kidnap you!!

Lorenzo. We need to go

Amora. Because now someone's after me

Lorenzo. Yeah we gotta get y'all somewhere safe

Cher. Are you nuts!? I'm not going anywhere with him!

Amora. You will if you care about your safety, let's go now Cher I'm not in the mood to argue with you

After checking with the police that they could leave, they left with Lorenzo.

Cher. Where will we stay?
She said her voice cracking.

Lorenzo. I have somewhere safe for y'all to stay, don't worry

The car ride was long and tiring so much that both the girls fell asleep. She woke up and knew exactly where she was Nico's old safe house.

Lorenzo helped take the girls bags into the house and and helped them settle. As soon as Cher's head hit the bed in the guest room she was out. Then he came to check on Amora.

Lorenzo. Amora, you sleep?
He said whispering.

Amora. I could have helped her, she would still be alive if I had of just done something

Lorenzo. You can't blame yourself for what happened

Amora. I can, and I will
She said sitting up.
Amora. The night that it happened I saw someone standing at my window Lorenzo and I thought it was Nico, I thought I was dreaming, I told myself I was just dreaming, and that man, he killed Stacy

Lorenzo. I still don't think this was your fault, you were tired I'm sure exhausted after the news you got yesterday

Amora. I should have done something

Lorenzo. Get some sleep Amora, I'm sorry about Your roommate, but now we have to focus on keeping you and your sister alive, that is the goal for now

Amora. What about Nico?

Lorenzo. I hate to say it but Nico is a strong man, I'm sure wherever he is, he's holding his own and I'm sure he would want us to take care of the threat at hand, he would want you safe

Amora. But I want him safe

Lorenzo. We take care of you and Cher first I promise I will go back to looking for him, get some sleep okay?

He turned off the light and left the room.

"Your awake sleeping beauty"

She could hear his voice some of the things he said to her when they were here together.

"I would love to stay and enjoy breakfast with a beautiful woman"

This was torture, the memories were too much to bear, she could hear his voice like he was laying right beside her.

Love, Passion, Pain (Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now