Chapter 11

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Nicole and I go out after practice. We go to a shop downtown that has really amazing ice cream, with over fifty flavours to choose from. Nicole has never been there before, but she seemed eager to go.

We arrive at the store, and order our ice cream. I order a coffee-flavoured cup, with two scoops. Nicole orders a green tea-flavoured cup with two scoops.

We grab our ice creams and sit in a booth in the corner. There aren't any windows in that corner, and the lighting is dim. Just the way we like it.

This is my first real "date", per sae. I have hung out with girls before, but never have I been alone with one of them. I don't want to ask Nicole if it's her first date, because that could be embarrassing.

"So," I say casually. "That practice was good today."

"Yeah, it was," she says.

"It's good that Josh put his pride aside, and accepted that you're a part of the team."

"Yeah, he was being a real ass. I'm glad he saw things for what they are."

"Are you?"

"Yeah. I mean, I went in thinking it would be just like my girls team in Montreal. Josh helped me see that it wasn't like that. I got the chance to see how hockey truly is. I'm grateful for it."

"Do you still want to do it?"

"Yes, of course."

"That's good, because we need you. You're really good. You might even crack top defence pair."

"That would be cool. That would mean I'm on the ice with you a lot, right?"

"Probably. You'd start the game, I know that much."

"That's good. I want to be on the power play, so I can use my shot from the point."

"I might be your defence partner then. Coach likes to put me on the point for the power play."

"For one-timers, I would assume?"


"How is your power play this year?"

"12 for 34 so far. About thirty-five percent."

"That's decent."

"That's why we're first in the province."

"I guess so."


"Have you ever had a girlfriend before?"

That question strikes me, and I hesitate before answering. "No, I haven't."

"Interesting," she says. "I would assume that this is your first date, then."

"Yes, it is. How about you? Is this your first date?"

"Yes, it is."

"Is this awkward for you? 'Cause I don't want it to be."

Nicole takes my hands in hers. I can feel the electricity of it passing between us, the spark of something developing. "No," she says, smiling. "It isn't awkward at all for me."

"How do you feel then?" I ask.

"It feels good to be here with you, Jordan, if that's what you're asking. I feel a connection with you that I don't feel with many other people. There's something special developing here. I just don't know quite what it is yet."

"I feel the same way," I say. "I believe that this could be something great."

"Yeah, so do I."

"I have a question, though," I say.

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