Chapter 20

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We win the next two games against Lakefield, without any problems. We win by scores of 5-0 and 6-2. I score five goals; Nicole scores three.

Our next series is against the Flint Generals lasts four games. We win game one 4-2. We lose game two 3-2, but rebound to win game three 6-3. We finish off the series by winning game four by a score of 4-1.

This sets up a matchup between the two best teams in the league: the Ryerson Raiders, and the Colbert Crusaders. Every player on our team is ready for it, psyched for the series to begin. The finals is a best of seven series, the first to win four games takes the series. The confrontation will be epic, and everyone knows it.


Game one is in two days. At school that day, everyone is psyched for practice later that day. In History I learn about the Cold War, and about Joseph Stalin. I find it very interesting.

After school, I head to the arena with my equipment. I change in the locker room as usual. When I am done, I head to the ice.

The rest of the team is already out on the ice. Luckily, Coach Bennington isn't there. I skate out to the ice.

I join the rest of the team and take some shots on net. Noel makes a few good saves on me. I then skate around for a bit, until Coach Bennington blows his whistle, signalling for practice to start.

Coach has us skate laps around the ice for five minutes. He then has us do a passing drill, where we stand in a circle, and pass around without speaking. This is a good drill to use, so that eye contact is established, and opponents are unaware of the move you are trying to make.

After, we work on our power play, one of our strong suits. Our penalty killers don't stand a chance, and we score more often than not.

We then split into two teams as usual, and scrimmage. We play for almost an hour, and we don't keep score. Why should we, if we are just having fun?

When practice ends, we gather up our stuff. The nets are pushed to the sides, so that the ice can be cleaned. When I happen to glance back, I notice something- or rather, someone- sitting in the front row of the stands.

It's Darren Reynolds.

Now, it is strictly prohibited for players to show up at other teams' practices. It's called spying, and the league doesn't allow it. The fact that Darren is doing it pisses me off.

I know why he is doing it, though. He wants to see what we will do, and exploit it. He also wants to get under our skin. I can handle the name-calling and the dirty play on the ice, but this is crossing the line. I will not allow him to spy on us again.

I have to say something to him.

I change quickly. Nicole notices that I am changing furiously, walks over to me. "Are you okay?" She asks curiously.

"I'm fine," I mutter, not wanting to tell her what's going on.

"No you're not," she replies. "It's pretty obvious that you're not."

"Promise not to say anything."

"Um, okay? What is going on?"

"It's Darren. He was spying on our practice. I have to meet him, and confront him."

Her shoulders straighten. "I'm coming with you," she says sternly.

"No," I say.

"You can't stop me," she replies.

"I have to do this myself," I say.

"Jordan, I'm your girlfriend. I'm not going to let you do this by yourself. I need to be with you."

"Fine," I say. "If anything happens, run."

She smirks at me. "You really think I'd run away like that?"

"No," I say. "That's what I'm worried about."

We walk out of the room with our hockey bags. We walk to the front parking lot. As we walk out, I see Darren walking away.

"Hey, Reynolds!" I yell.

He turns to face me. He grins. "Ah, Jordan," he says. "What a pleasure. What may I do for you?"

Nicole and I walk up to him. "You know damn well why I'm confronting you," I say.

"I actually don't," he says, obviously playing dumb.

"Quit playing dumb," I say. "You were spying on our practice."

"So what if I was?"

"It's unsportsmanlike," I say. "And it's against league rules."

"Not to mention it's a total dick move," Nicole says.

"Is it?" He says. "I only wanted to see what you're made of."

"It can't wait until the game on Saturday?"

"No, it can't," he says. "Hey, it isn't cheating if you don't get caught, huh?"

"We could report you," Nicole says.

Darren laughs. "But you won't do that, will you? You want the competition between us, don't you, Jordan? It's exhilarating for you, isn't it?"

That makes me mad. I get in his face. "Don't insult me like that," I say. "Watch yourself out there on Saturday. You're gonna regret spying on us."

I back off. Darren grins at me. "No, Jordan," he sneers. "You watch yourself. You never know. One day, I might hit you where it hurts most."

He walks away.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" I yell after him. He doesn't answer. Nicole pulls me away, and we walk home, trying to get Darren's warning out of our minds.


The song on the side is "Don't Stand So Close to Me", by The Police.

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