Chapter 17

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We lose all five games for which I am suspended. We cannot get anything going, and the overall play is just downright terrible. The worst part about it is that we lost to teams that we shouldn't have lost against.

Due to this now six-game losing streak, our record has slipped to 20-8, which now second place, instead of first. That spot now belongs to the Crusaders.

Nicole still refuses to speak to me. She avoids me at school, and during practice as well. She even shirks practice once or twice, which makes a lot of us unhappy, especially Coach Bennington. He blames me for all of it, which causes a lot of dissension between all of the players and him.

The only ones who take my side is Noel, Luke, and Charlie. They all believe that what I did was a spurt of the moment thing, which it was. Everyone else? They give me dirty looks and feel that I cannot be trusted.

The day before my first game back, we have a practice at our arena. Let's just say that it doesn't go well. No one will pass to me during the scrimmages, and I grow more and more frustrated as chances are blown because I don't see the puck.

As we head to the dressing room a after practice, I think to myself, This has to stop. This has gone way too far. Something has to be done to stop this. And it has to be me who does it.

Once I have my equipment off, I stand up in the centre of the room. "Hey," I say. "There's something I need to say to you guys."

Nobody looks up. They just continue with whatever they were doing.

"Hey!" I shout. "I'm talking to you guys!"

Josh looks at me. "What is it, Devlin? We really don't want to hear it."

"What is your deal with me, anyway? I mean, you guys are avoiding me, and I don't really get why."

"You really don't know?" Connor says. "Your little outburst scared the shit out of us. It also tells us a little something about you. You're an explosive player. We don't want to play with someone like that."

"Really?" I reply. "I had a moment, we all have them. Say, Luke. Remember that fight you had with Travis Decker of Kingston?" Luke nods.

"And Noel," I continue. "How about when you swung your stick at Owen Hill of Lakefield?" Noel nods and grins.

I continue on. "You see, we all have moments like that. When we just can't control our anger, and it all comes out. It just happened in that way for me. The fact that you guys are acting this way is hurting the team, and I won't stand for it. I'm still the captain of this team, and I believe that we can work together to achieve our goal. That championship banner at the very end."

Everyone raises their hands in response. This is a show of respect, a respect that I have earned back. Respect that I really shouldn't have lost in the first place.

The team files out one by one, until only two remain, myself and Nicole. She is lingering behind, and she obviously wants to talk to me. However, I do everything in my power to avoid her gaze.

"That was a good speech," she finally says.

"Oh, you actually listened to that, did you?" I say coldly.

"Yes. I like that you fought to regain respect from your teammates. That was bold of you."

"You mean respect that I should never have lost? Because I didn't do anything to lose that respect."

"What you did was pretty horrific. Look at from their standpoint. They've never seen you like that before."

"I've seen them like that before. How is it any different? I suppose you think just like them. Don't you?"

"Dammit, Jordan, I'm trying to have a civil conversation with you! You're sure as hell not making it easy!"

I finally look at her. Her face is red, and she looks pretty angry and frustrated.

"Well, you weren't making it easy when I was trying to explain myself to you!"

"That's what this is about?! If I'd known..."

"What are you talking about?"

"I was pissed off. I didn't want to hear anything that you wanted to say. I was... Delusional."

"I'll say. Is that an apology then? 'Cause I sure deserve one, don't you think?"

"I'm sorry."

"Thank you. So what does this mean?"

"Are you still mad at me?"

"The real question is, are you still mad at me?"


"I guess I'm not, either."


She wraps her arms around me in a tight hug. As she hugs me, I feel a tremendous weight lifted off of my shoulders. All of the pain and misery of the past couple of weeks are washing away. I love the feeling.

The next day, we play the Whitby Blades. And you know what? We smoked 'em, 11-0.


The song on the side is "Heat of the Moment", by Asia. Obviousguy 😜😂

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