Chapter 4

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Song:Galway Girl by-Ed Sheeran
Winter's p.o.v
12:00 am

It's been about a hour since Asher left the hospital so that means I'm free for the rest of the day, I quickly start shoving my stuff into my purse rushing to get out of here. For some unknown reason I couldn't stop thinking about Asher, why was he so nice to me? Why didn't he try to escape?. I shake my head trying to get rid of these thoughts he's dangerous and I probably won't see him again, but why do I have this feeling like it won't be the last time we meet.

I slowly get into my Jeep, but stop when I hear my phone start to ring from inside my purse, I pull it out and look at the caller ID and a huge smile lights up my face when I see its my best friend Parker.

Winter: omg Parker what do you want( I say laughing)
Parker: Well maybe a hi Parker how's your day going... But just in case your wondering it's going good.
Winter: ok well I have you on the phone now I was wondering if you and Lisa wanted to come over to night and have a movie night.
Parker: oh hell yes we haven't had one in forever
Winter: yeah we all really don't have time anymore
Parker: yeah but I will be over around 6 and I will bring Lisa with me... Want me to grab snacks as well?
Winter: ok and no I got the snacks
Parker: ok bye winny
Winter: bye park

I finally arrived at my apartment and walk up the stairs, my thoughts drifting back to the mysterious bad boy who ended up in the hospital. They way he looked at me made me feel safe for some unknown reason but at the same time it scared me. I walked into my apartment and shut the door behind me, letting it make that soft click sound letting me know that it's closed and locked.

I walked straight into the kitchen and looking in the fridge to see what I had to eat and wasn't shocked when I saw nothing, I guess it's time to go grocery shopping. I turn around and walk out the door heading towards my jeep and hopping in, driving toward the grocery store.
---------------------30 mins later-------------------
I'm pushing the shopping cart towards my jeep but that's when I hear a noise which makes me whip my head towards a little card board box. I leave my cart beside my jeep and slowly start to make my way towards it, but that's when I see a little blob of fur laying in the middle of the box. I creep a little closer and that's when it lifts its head up and I see the most cutest puppy ever, just staring at me. The puppy slowly started to stand up, slightly shaking from loss of food, the puppy started to take slow steps towards me till he was right in front of me. I crouched down and moved my hand out to touch him, but the puppy surprisingly walked into my out stretched hand making me let out a slight awe and that's when I decide to bring the puppy home and keep him.

I finally got back to my apartment holding little Alex (that's what I decided do to name him), and I'm also trying to carry all of the groceries in as well

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I finally got back to my apartment holding little Alex (that's what I decided do to name him), and I'm also trying to carry all of the groceries in as well. I already called the vet and scheduled an appointment tomorrow to make sure he's all healthy and so I can adopt him. I made it to my apartment for the second time today and skillfully opened the door well trying to juggle holding Alex, the groceries, and my keys but I did it. Once I'm inside I set Alex down and walk towards the kitchen but look back to make sure he's following me.

I put everything away and walk towards the living room to sit down on, only to have to get back up, because someone is banging on my door "I'm coming!" I yell, making my way towards the door. I swing it open only to find Parker. "Hey boo." he said with a huge smile on his face. "Hi Parker, where's Lisa isn't she supposed to be here?" I ask, letting him into my apartment. "Yeah Lisa was supposed to come but she got called back to the hospital." He told me, making a beeline straight toward my fridge, while I go to the living room to check on Alex only to find him gone.
"Hey Winter? Why is there a dog in your apartment, and can you get him?!" Parker yells. Oh no, this can't be good.... I thought, walking into the kitchen.

I stop in my tracks only to find a scared looking Parker standing on the counter with little Alex growling at him. I walk towards them and look back toward Alex, who stopped growling and is now wagging his tail walking towards me. I start laughing and Parker who is still by the way on the counter trying to get away from little Alex. "You're really scared of a little puppy Parker?" I ask him. "N-no I'm not scared of a puppy because I'm a man!"
"Sure....." I say which in turn makes him start to mumble something about me being mean and Alex being scary. "Well, to answer your question, I found him outside the grocery store in a box and decided to keep him. Best decision I have ever made if you ask me." I pause and look at Alex. "Just look at him! He's the cutest thing I have ever seen!" I finish. "Yeah I guess he is pretty cute...."Parker replies.

"Ok well now that we got at figured out, lets get movie night started?" I say which makes
Parker let out a shout of happiness and take off into a sprint towards the living room with a barking Alex, hot on his trail.

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