Chapter 13

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Song: Habits Of My Heart by- Jaymes Young
Winters P.o.v
Day of barbecue


I sprung out of bed, running towards my bedroom door. Before I open it in grab the baseball bat that rested in the corner of my room from the days when I played on the girls baseball team in highschool. I peek out the door to see a blurry figure standing in the kitchen holding a frying pan. I carefully approach the figure who's clad in black jeans and a ripped denim jacket. With a loud battle cry I was about to swing the bat at the figure. Startled, the guy quickly looks behind him and that's when I remember that my brother is staying with me. I quickly bring the bat back towards my side.
"Oh my god Levi! Are you okay? I didn't hurt you did I? How could I forget..." I scold myself and shake my head, holding my hand to my forehead.
"Winter it's fine." He said while grabbing my hand and bringing me into a bone crushing hug. The hug was cut short to the deafening sound of the fire alarm. Me and Levi quickly rush towards the stove and turn it off. "I'm so sorry, I just wanted to make you breakfast as a thank you for letting me stay here..." he explanied while throwing his hands up in the air.

I look around and notice that Wyatt not around, he's usually up before any of us. "If you're looking for Wyatt, he left already, but he left us this." He told me while holding up a white envelope.
"Wait, you knew?" I said, looking up to meet his gaze.
"Of course, Wyatt hasnt always been the best hider. I knew from the moment he started acting werid, I just never meantioned it because I knew he wouldn't want to talk unless he was forced to. He has always been stubbourn." I looked at the envolpe that I held in my slighty shaking hands, I carefully peeled the envlope open and took out the contents which included a letter.

Dear Winter and Levi,

I'm INCREDIBLY sorry that I had to leave this morning but when you got a physco killer on your hands, it's a bit time sensitve. There's a check attached to the botom of this letter and I know Winter you won't want to accept it and I know your doing well in life but think of this check as a gift, use this money to help pay for Levi's college or university, or maybe buy him that car that he's always wanted. Stay out of trouble you two, and don't worry I have connections looking out for you two so you won't be in any harm. Now Levi, I'm sorry for not telling you but I know you knew already, since you can tell when somethings off (which by the way is super werid) but I'm sorry and i love you.

p.s dont worry I'll be back soon and don t forget I'm always watching.

I felt tears sliding down my face but I didn't bother to wipe them away. I looked over at Levi and he was in the same state as me. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it comforting him, I let out a laugh but it was muffeld by the tears. "I miss him already..." I spoke out
"Me too. But he'll be back soon I know it."

Ashers p.o.v

I pull up to Winter's apartment building, feeling very nervous, I've never felt this before. What happens if she forgot about the barbeque today? Or she changed her mind? I grab the bouqet of pink and white roses. I slowly walk towards the front entrance, I look over at the door man and nod my head in greeting. I saw his lips moving but I couldn't make out what he was saying over my pounding heart. I'm finally standing toe to toe with Winter's apartment door. I bring my hand up and knock on the door.

"Hey man, come on in. Winter's just finishing getting ready." Levi said opening the door and pulling me into a hug. I follow Levi into Winter's apartment.
"Dude chill out." Levi explained. I looked at him confused I think he understood and gestured to the flowers I forgot I was holding, only to see them crumpled and smushed stems.
"Oh um... yeah sorry." I told him starting to relax a bit.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2018 ⏰

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