Chapter 7

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Song: All Night by-The Vamps,Matoma,Astrid S
Asher's p.o.v
At the club

We finally pull into the clubs parking lot and see this huge line at the door as I get off my bike followed by Zane and Tanner. We slowly make our way towards the club doors ignoring all the people shouting about how it's 'unfair' that we can walk straight into the club but we ARE the owners after all."Hey guys, I see a very hot girl, so now if you don't mind...I'm going to go and say hi." Zane says, running off to some unknown area. Me and Tanner both laugh. "Well as long we don't have a repeat of what happened last time we'll be fine." Said Tanner walking toward the bar followed by me right on his heels. Well, you see what happened last time was Zane decided it would be a good idea if he brought this girl home. Well, he made a pretty bad choice since she decided to get drunk and right when we were about to walk out of the club with she threw up all over him.

Still laughing at the hilarious memory we finally pushed our way threw the crowd and made it to the bar where we ordered two glasses of whiskey. I look out toward the crowd and that's when I spot her the girl that saved my life, took my breath away ,and even made me smile; Winter Adams. While I was staring at Winter, I didn't even notice who was poking me. I looked over at Tanner who was looking at me with a confused stare. "Asher what's got you so focused?" Tanner asks me.
"Nothing!" I quickly replied with hoping he didn't catch the nervousness in my voice. I knew he did.
"Well, whatever it is or whoever it is, it has you looking like a love struck fool." He told me with a smirk. "Love struck fool? Ha! not in a million years!"I told him. But that's when I felt it. Someone bumping into me. I was about to yell at who ever it is but right when I looked down, my eyes connected to a pair of beautiful chocolate coloured eyes. I went speechless.

"H-hey, Winter...."I said. Why do I feel like I'm back in public school trying to talk to girls? Why I'm I nervous? GET IT TOGETHER ASHER! I told myself but that's when I heard the sweetest voice,  which snapped me out of my thoughts. "Hey, didn't I say to take it easy Asher?" Winter said,"don't worry, I am." I said with a small smirk. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I see Tanner extending his hand in a greeting.
"Hey beautiful, I'm Tanner." He said. "H,i I'm Winter!" She smiled waving. 
"Well, it was nice to meet you Tanner,and it was great to see you again Asher." She told me, walking towards the bar."Wait Winter! At least let me pay for your drinks tonight." I told her.
"No, I can't let you do that... This place is pretty expensive and I don't want you to waste your money on me and my friends." She explained and continued walking towards the bar. I followed her there.
"Mark, I want all of Winters drinks and her friends drinks to be on the house tonight, alright?" I ordered. "Yes boss." he replied with and turned around to continue making drinks.

"Wait, you own this club?" She questioned while looking at me. "Yeah I do and like I said before, don't worry it's on me." I told her. Winter smiled and said a quick thanks before disappearing into the crowd. I tried to grab her hand to stop her but it was too late she was gone. I walked back over to where Tanner was standing, drinking a beer. "Asher, where have you been?" Tanner questioned. "I was talking to Winter." I told him. "Yeah, and you said you weren't love struck.... Well, I'm going to go and talk to that girl over there." And with that, he ran off.
"Mark, can I have a beer?" I asked.
"Yeah. Sure thing." He smiled, sliding a beer towards me. I turned around and scanned the crowd. The only thing I saw was Winter dancing with some dude who had his arms around her. The only person who should have his arms around her is me. I got up off the bar stool and quickly made my way over to where Winter was. Once I reached them I grabbed the guys arm and told him to scram. He quickly left and I took his place dancing with the girl of my dreams. Winter slowly turned around, swaying her hips with the beat of the music that was blaring through the clubs speakers. She looked up and smiled at me. Winter grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the dance floor and yanked me towards the bar. "Mark, can I have eight shots please?!" I shouted towards him. "Coming right up!" He called back to me. "So, why are you drinking tonight anyway Winter? Did you just break up with your boyfriend or something?" I began, getting a little bit angry thinking about her with another guy."Nope, I haven't had a boyfriend in awhile, and the reason for tonight is my friends dragged me out after I finished my shift at the hospital..." she explained with a smile.

Mark placed all eight shots down in front of me and Winter. I turned to winter "Bottoms up!"I cheered. Then everything slowly started to fade away.

-------------------In the morning-------------------
Winters p.o.v
Oh my god why does my head hurt so much? What happened last night? What's on my stomach?
I slowly open my eyes, only to be greeted by a ray of sunlight beaming at my eyes. Well, that's going to help with this killer headache. I put my hand over my eyes and slowly open them. I look around the room and see this huge window looking out into the forest, and the walls were covered with rock and wood giving the room a rustic feel. While I'm still amazed at how amazing the room is, I didn't even notice the person who was laying beside me. I quickly try to slide out of this strangers arms, only to be pulled back into his chest. And must I say, he has some gorgeous abs.
Ok, focus Winter. What happened last night? Where I Am? Who is this guy? And most importantly, did I just sleep with a stranger!? I look under the covers to make sure I'm still clothed and thankfully, I am. Now I just have to find out where I am, who this person is, and most importantly, what happened last night. I look over at the stranger but I can't make out his face, while it's shoved into the pillow. So, I do the most logical thing; I slowly turn his face towards me. All I need is just a glimpse. I slowly keep pulling his face and that's when I finally get to see who this mystery person is; and it's the one and only Asher Matthews. Now how do I wake him up? I've got an idea. I turn to face the sleeping Asher and firmly put my hands on his chest, then push him onto the floor.
"AHHHHH!!!!" Asher shouts while hitting the floor with a thud. He looks up and stares at me long and hard until he jumps up and full on tackles me onto the bed and that's when I start to laugh even harder. "It's not funny!" pouts Asher, trying to give me the puppy dog eyes even though I can see he wants to laugh as well.
"No it wasn't funny... It was down right hilarious!" I say while my laughter dies down. Finally he lets out a smile and let me tell you, it was breathtaking.
"So umm.... What happened last night?" I asked him. "Well, you see it's kind of a funny story...." He began, but I interrupted him. "Did I do anything...embarrassing?" I hesitated asking him. "Define embarrassing?" he laughed with a smirk playing on his lips.

I tried to give him my best glare but it probably didn't work because he just laughed "Well, do you remember taking those shots?" He asked; "Yeah...I remember that?" I declared. "Ok, well I'm sorry to say this Winter, but your a light weight. But, that's not important right now. Anyways, after we took the shots you were completely drunk so it was time to leave. But with you being completely wasted , you didn't want to so go, I had to drag you out of the club." He laughed. "And since I wasn't that drunk I was going to take you home. But you didn't give me your address so I took you here." He finished "So where is 'here' exactly?" I asked, fearing the answer. "Well beautiful, you're in the very home of the Liberty bikers!" Asher announced.

Dear my fantastic readers,
Thank you for voting and reading my story it means a lot to me and I wanted to let you guys know that I changed the cast up a little bit. The reason for that is I didn't know how to fit in Zane's twin so I just decided to take him out. Sorry for any confusion.

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