Her Tale - I

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This part and the part after this is dedicated to Sadist_Joker_Mya because she has been my unwavering rock in my tough times, and she is also probably the strongest fighter I know. Love you, Mya.

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She was very little. In fact she had just come in this world. In this cold,crude,diplomatic world. Her Head still trying to process everything. Her Heart full of inexperience. Her Eyes full of innocence. Her biggest fear, leaving her mother's warm embrace and venturing into some stranger's cold arms. She was very little..

She grew up a little. Before, she had to travel the world in her mother's arms. Now she was getting ready to let go off the safe finger. Her Head full of new thoughts. Her Heart full of new feelings. Her Eyes full of new views. Her biggest fear, letting go off the safe finger and taking the first few steps into the vast Void. Staggering. Stumbling. And then Stabilizing. She was still very little..

She grew up some more now. She could fathom things better than before. She could process thoughts faster than before. Her Head full of ideas. Her Heart full of hope. Her Eyes full of dreams. She was finally beginning to see the world. She was trying to see the better side of it. She hoped to be optimistic. She was finally growing up..

She stands here today. Grown up. She's seen the world. Her Head is numb. Her Eyes searching. And her Heart lies in pieces. As she ventures to pick up the pieces of her broken Heart she looks around. She sees Horror. Tragedy. Hurt. Disappointment. Disbelief. Betrayal. Pain. And she cringes. Because she is not yet done picking up the shards of her broken Heart. Because she is afraid that the Darkness shall engulf her again and she shall get lost in the Void again. Because she is afraid to love again..

The Darkness engulfs her. She looks around. Blank. Black. It feels like it's the end of the World. Like she was thrown into the Sea. And she didn't know how to swim. Suddenly, a ray of light appears to fight the Darkness. A hand to save her from drowning. She looks closely and she sees them. The few remaining good ones. Her pat on the back. Her Salvation. Her Hope. She looked down, and her Heart was one. Safe. Sound. Peaceful. Her body had wore out from the Battle she had fought with the World. But there as a new found Relief in her. Her feet trudged her towards them. They silently, warmly took her in. She felt Safe. She was finally Home..

She stands here today. A new person. A mended person. Her Head full of new found Determination. Her Eyes full of new found Desire. Her Heart full of new found Hope. And she's never looked back once...

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