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Change. This one word has the unfathomable power of uprooting us from our very senses and rendering us scared. Very scared. We, as humans, are often reluctant, hesitant to change. However, under this veil lies a disguised, subconscious fear. Fear of going astray from the path that we are currently walking on. Fear of losing that equilibrium that so very few so rarely achieve. Fear of getting out of this cocoon that is our comfort zone and venturing again into the void. Standard human psychology. Can't help.

They say that a rolling stone gathers no moss. In a way, aren't we all rolling stones? I mean, we are here today, we may not be tomorrow. Change happens. The people we meet, the friends we make influence us; sometimes so much so that they may even change us, and we become someone unrecognizable to ourselves, someone, up until now we never thought existed.

But, even after all of this, even after being reluctant and hesitant toward change, we adapt. That is the best part about human beings. Just look at the seasons. And look at how we adapt to them, to the rising heat, to the teeth-clattering cold, to the biblical downpour of the heavens; whatever is thrown at us, we adapt. We have to.

As unwelcome as it may be, change is an integral AND and an essential part of our existence. 

The tides change, seasons change, and so do situations. But what about people? Do they change.. or does the mask eventually wear away?

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