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It was the shiny floor that brought me to earth, it were the red curtains that hung from up to down like red love rain, it were the huge windows that allowed me a sight of Chicago, and it was this man who seemed to wait for me, eagerly.

"Miss Taylor?"

I turned around when I heard somebody yell my name, seeing Harry Samuels approach me.

"Mr. Samuels."

He gave me a little smile, making me feel shy in his presence already, "I'm glad you came."

"Of course,"

He offered me his hand after he kissed mine, making me blush immediately. Why was I so insecure?

Well, he was a celebrity, more or less.

"I guess you're expecting a lot of men tonight," He almost whispered as we made our way to the main room, "John Marbles is expecting you."

"There's never enough men," I replied, deciding to enjoy this joke. He seemed he was in for a good time tonight.

"I appreciate your presence, Miss Taylor. I'm sure we'll be able to have a proper interview today."

Oh, I'm sure about that, too.

There were what felt like thousands of respected business men right in front of me as Mr. Samuels and I stepped into the main room of this company party which happened to be held by who else than Mr. Samuels himself.

Businessmen and both meaningless and important interviewers were running from wall to wall, trying to catch each businessman that they might thought would be about to take over the world. Not only the business men and interviewers but gorgeous women were all over the place, as drunk as they could possibly be at this very evening.

"Want to drink something?" Mr. Samuels brought me out of my thoughts as we arrived in front of a much bigger bar compared to the one I was spending my evening at during the last event.


"What would you like, lady? A sparkling wine or vodka?"

Is it right to ask for water in this exact moment?

"A sparkling wine, please," I then said, looking at him with an excusing look. I didn't know whether there were actual Do's and Don'ts when being in presence of a well known business man, neither did I know how to act like. He could be my boss.

We now sat in front of each other, having only a low table made of glass separate the two of us, making time decide who is going to be the first to lead this conversation into the right way. He looked really good tonight. Actually, freshly shaved, much more awake, compared to the last time we met. Apparently also business men weren't the most perfect ones, either – if anyone was perfect, ever.

"So you're from Los Angeles," I started to, at least, have said anything, "I have never been there before."

He laughed, sipping on his vodka, "It's not that special. I only moved there, though. I'm an Englishman."

"You sound quite American,"


I shook my head as I giggled, thinking about what made him go to the lost angels.

"And where are you from, Miss?"

"Chicago, born and raised, born and raised."

He nodded as he almost finished his vodka, not seeming to be tipsy anytime soon, "That's interesting."

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