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To Love is amazing,

To be loved, beautiful

When you have them both,

Life is all the more meaningful.

But to the wrongs I caused,

To the tears I brought,

Grant me your forgiveness;

Because lose you, I cannot.

Let's start over,

Let's start afresh,

Because you are all I want,

For now and even after death.

"There's something I would like to confess."

Those were Arnav's next words after he had stopped the family from proceeding for dinner.

Wasn't everything all back to normal now?'

Then what did Arnav want to confess?'

Everyone thought.


Arnav sighed as he stepped closer, taking Khushi's hand in his, but not looking at her.

His gaze was instead settled on his family members, who waited eagerly for him to spit out what he wanted to.

And so he did.

He addressed his Nani and Di first, but the agenda was directed at everyone, which he made clear with his eye-contact.

"Not many of you know this, but back to the day when Akash and Payal were to get married and you all had been shocked out of your wits to see me and Khushi unexpectedly married and raised the question, asking for a reason for our hurried decision, the true reason was that-"

He paused as he felt Khushi squeeze his hand, very well knowing that she didn't want him to bring this topic now.

But no, today he wasn't going to stop.

He had very vaguely in the past told Nani and Di that he had married Khushi thinking she was involved with Shyam, but it was high-time he fessed up for his mistakes, because if he called himself really the one writing his own destiny, then he shouldn't shy away from accepting his shortcomings as well.

"The true reason was that I had dragged Khushi to the temple, coerced her into a six months long contract marriage."


Everyone gasped in shock at the mere mention of the term contract marriage.

Could they ever empathize with what it would have been like to actually be in one?

Khushi could, of course.

"She had refused it of course, but then I had threatened her saying I will break Akash and Payal's marriage, and hence, she had no choice but to agree to my proposal and get betrothed to me."

Nobody could believe that so much had happened behind their back that night and yet all they could conclude was all based on face value, wherein they had admonished Khushi, and her maiden family even went on to the extent of disowning her.

ArShi SS: If I Were You Just For A Day [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now