Anything Can Happen In New Orleans

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Yoonseok is love, Yoonseok is life.

The two couples and Jimin went down the streets of New Orleans. Jazz music could be heard from every corner.

"Don't you just love the sight?" Taehyung asked. He looked around and saw a group of buskers he knows. One noticed him.

"Hey! It's V!" the man said. All of the buskers went to say hi. "How've you been?"

"Better than ever." Taehyung replied.

"Whose hand you're holding? New boyfriend?" another asked. Taehyung saw his and Jeongguk's hands together and went red.

"Yes, this is Jeongguk."

"Oh hello." Jeongguk said, nervously smiling.

"I like him!" a third one said. "We got a song for you, brother."

"Thank you."

"He's a keeper." a fourth one said.

"That's what I said." Yoongi added.

"V, remember the one we performed for your friend when he proposed to his boyfriend?" the first busker asked. Taehyung nodded. "Ravi and Ken?" (yas Kenvi)

"Right! Let's play!" Taehyung went to the other buskers, greeted them and started to play. "To Jeon Jeongguk." They started to sing "Never Knew I Needed" by Ne-Yo (this song played in the ending credits of Princess and the Frog). By the hook, Taehyung winked at Hoseok and motioned some buskers around Sope. Yoongi was confused and Hoseok was sweating buckets. Jimin could feel his eyes filling up. Taehyung must really care for Jeongguk, someone he met only a few days ago. Love can really blossom between two people that quickly. Taehyung ended the song and Jeongguk smiled widely. "You didn't understand a word I said right? But did you get the message? You just came in my life like that and I don't want you to leave. Stay with me?"

"I will stay with you, Taehyung." Jeongguk said, smiling with watery eyes. Taehyung smiled back.

"Hoseok hyung, your turn."

"What's going on?" Yoongi asked and he saw Hoseok going on one knee. Jimin's eyes widen, Jeongguk gave the older two thumbs up and the buskers were smitten by the scene. "Hobi..."

"Min Yoongi, my Suga, the moon to my sun, the key to my lock. I don't think I would even exist if I didn't have you. You got me out of my bad habits and I survived cancer. My love blossomed for 13 years, grew with you for 4 years and I want our love to grow and last forever. So will you make me the happiest man ever and marry me?" Hoseok finished his speech and took out the ring. Yoongi's eyes filled with tears and he looked at Jimin's retreating figure, making the tears slip down. He looked back at Hoseok and smiled.

"Yes, you horse. I will marry your stupid ass." Yoongi tackled Hoseok on the ground to kiss him. Everyone around them clapped and Jeongguk went to find Jimin.

"Park Jimin! Where are you?" Jeongguk called, going around the streets. He asked many people about a short guy crying his eyes out but no one saw him. Jeongguk went near the lake and he found Jimin at the same spot as last time, but with a cigarette and a bottle of tequila. Jeongguk sat next to him and Jimin was bawling, he accidentally burned his finger with the cigarette and the tequila bottle was half finished.

"Jeongguk-sshi. You got Tae, Tae has got you, Hoseok and Yoongi hyungs are engaged and I'm just here, miserable and alone, still in love with a man who was proposed to in front of me. Who does Hobi hyung think he is? That Jung Hoseok took him. He took my Yoonie away!" Jimin babbled, tears springing. "It has been four fucking years and I have still never got over him. I tried after Yoongi hyung asked me but I can't! The memories are unbearable!" Jimin took out his cell phone and smiled stupidly at a picture from four years ago. "This was us when I went for the first time to Yoongi hyung's concert when he, Hoseok hyung and Namjoon hyung were still a band." He showed the younger around 500 photos of his relationship of two years with Yoongi.

*with Taehyung*

After ten minutes of Yoongi observing his ring and showing it to Taehyung, Taehyung looked back and saw that Jeongguk and Jimin were missing.

"That's weird." Taehyung whispered and went towards the lake. He saw two figures looking at the lake.

"And this is when I accidently threw snow at Yoongi and he got mad. He looks so cute." Jimin hiccuped, his bottle of tequila finished. Six used cigarettes, five from Jimin and one from Jeongguk. Taehyung sat next to Jimin, the stench of alcohol and tobacco lingered from Jimin.

"Don't do this to yourself." Taehyung said, taking the cigarette packet away from Jimin.

"Give me." Jimin whined, grabbing the pack.

"You told me to not smoke and I listened, I tell you not to smoke and you don't listen."

"Gimme." After three minutes of Drunk Guy in the Middle, Jimin fell asleep with his head in Taehyung's lap and his legs on Jeongguk's.

"First night in New Orleans and he gets drunk." Jeongguk said. Taehyung chuckled while pinching Jimin's cheek.

"Nyaaaaaa." Jimin made some weird noise and slapped Taehyung's hand away.

"We should go back to Yoongi and Hoseok hyungs, they must be worried." Taehyung said. "I'm not carrying him." An intense rock, paper, scissors game got Jeongguk carrying the drunk midget down the streets of New Orleans. Taehyung was gripping Jeongguk's arm. "Where did Hoseok hyung park the car?"

"Text him." Jeongguk said. Taehyung got out his phone.

[TaeTae]: Hey, where r u guys? (22:45 CST)

Taehyung waited until he got a response.

[Horse hyung]: By the nightclub we went 2 last time (22:46 CST)

Jeongguk and Taehyung found the place and walked over. Hoseok and Yoongi were in the middle of an intense makeout on the wall. Jeongguk and Taehyung did NOT want to see that.

[TaeTae]: By the way, we got a drunk Jimin on Jeongguk's back (22:48 CST)

The two saw Hoseok break the kiss and read the text. Hoseok hit his head on the wall.

[TaeTae]: Also, we saw u 2 make out, it was disgusting (22:48 CST)

Hoseok and Yoongi turned and went bright red when they saw a smirking Taehyung, Jeongguk who looked like he wanted to bury himself in a hole and an unconscious drunk Jimin.

[Horse hyung]: We're coming (22:51 CST)

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