I live with a vampire and his vampire servants [Book 2 Chpt 3]

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Chapter 3 - Georgia

I put my bag over my shoulder and shut my bedroom door. I had my book in my hand that I started to read last night. I only read the first three pages and then I had to go to bed. But it's actually interesting. So far. It's kind of strange how Jordan knows what kind of books I like to read. He picked the right one.

I went downstairs.

"Are you all set?" Nile asked as I came downstairs.

"Yeah. You can ride in the front." I said.


I showed him my book. "I want to sit in the back and read."

"Okay, whatever."

"See you after you get back from Nick's!"

I turned around and Gracie stood over by the stairs.

"Okay, see you then."

"Jordan is waiting in the car." Nile said. "Let's go."

"Okay." I waved to Gracie and headed out the door with Nile.

Jordan was out front in Nile's car. We're taking the truck. The truck is fine. Actually it's the only car I've been in since I've lived here. All those cars in the garage and I always take Nile's truck. Not that there is something wrong with it. Just saying . . .

I got in the back of the truck and Nile sat up in the front.

"I don't bite you know." Jordan said looking back at me.

I thought about that. He doesn't bite . . . I laughed to myself. Of course he bites he's a vampire.

"I know." I said. "I just felt like sitting back here."

He smiled showing his pearly white teeth that were fangs. He started driving away from the mansion and we were on our way to Georgia.

I sat in the back seat with my book in my hand and listening to the radio that one of the guys had it on. It was silent in the car until Nile broke the silence.

"Hey Jordan, are you going to right way?" He asked.

I put the book down and looked out the window. It was all forest around us.

"Yeah Jordan, you sure you didn't make the wrong turn?" I asked. "They live in a city not the forest."

"Huh?" He looked around his surroundings.

"You're going the wrong way." I said.

"Uh . . . sorry . . . I wasn't paying attention to where I was going."

"What?" Nile said. "Does that mean you didn't know where we were going from the beginning?"

"Um . . . I don't remember."

"Jordan are you okay?" I asked. "You aren't really acting yourself."

"Yeah, I'm fine." He said taking his hand and brushing it through his hair. "I just kind of zoned out."

Nile groaned and opened the glove department. He got a map out and opened it.

"What was the last turn you took?" He asked Jordan.

"I don't know."

Jordan took a right on to a dirt path that led out in to the woods.

"Jordan where you going?" I said putting my book down on the seat.

He didn't answer and kept his eyes on the road.

"Jordan?" Nile said.

He didn't answer.

I live with a vampire and his vampire servants [Book 2] Where stories live. Discover now