I live with a vampire and his vampire servants [Book 2 Chpt 7]

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Chapter 7 - Two ways

It was the next day in the afternoon. I was lying down on the couch flipping through the channels on the TV. Autumn and Nick were just about to leave. Jordan was sitting on the couch by my feet and Nile was sitting in the chair closest to me. Nick came up behind the couch.

"So you three going to do anything today?" Nick asked.

"We don't know yet." I answered.

"Just text me to tell me where you're going."


"Hey, isn't your birthday coming up this Saturday?"

"Uh, yeah."

"Hey, you never told us." Nile said disappointed.

"Sorry. It just never came up."

"You're turning seventeen." Nick added.

"Yeah, exciting."

"What do you want for your birthday?"

I shrugged. "I don't really have anything in mind."

"We'll figure something out. Why don't you invite Shelby up? She can come up Friday and spend the night."

"Yeah, that sounds fine. I'll give her a call tonight. She's working this summer. Hopefully she'll get out of work early."

Nick sighed. "I wish I was a teenager."

"You're twenty two."

"Going on twenty three in August. I'm old."

"You're not that old." I argued back.

I heard Nile and Jordan laugh slightly. I already knew what they were thinking. Nick thinks he's old . . . Nile and Jordan have been living for . . . who knows how long. I've never really asked them.

"Nick come on." Autumn said holding on to Jaylee's hand.

Jordan looked at Jaylee and as soon as Jaylee saw him she hid behind Autumn. I wonder if she has any connections with vampires. Is that why she's so afraid of everyone. Because of what might have happened when she was little.

"I'm coming. Have fun you guys." He said a little sarcastic.

"See you later."

I watched them leave and heard the door shut. I heard them go off the porch.

"How long have you two been living?" I asked.

Jordan and Nile looked at each other.

"One, two thousand years." Jordan answered.

I laughed to myself. "You guys are old."

"It hasn't been that long."

"That long? That's a long time."

"Some vampires are older than us."

I stood up. "I don't even wanna know how long a vampire has lived." I walked around the couch.

"Where you going?" Jordan asked.

"I'm hungry." I said going toward the kitchen.

When I went in there Jordan was already opening up the fridge. I didn't even see him pass me. I ignored the fact went over to the fridge.

"Autumn really needs to go shopping." Jordan added.

"I know."

Jordan shut the fridge.

I live with a vampire and his vampire servants [Book 2] Where stories live. Discover now