I live with a vampire and his vampire servants [Book 2 Chpt 14]

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~A/N~ Sorry it has taken me so long, I have been distracted lately with a story I came up with. ^.^ This chapter is kind of short but at least I uploaded, right?

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Chapter 14 - Forgotten

My screamed echoed within the dark area. Pain was all I could feel at the moment. Nothing else really mattered, I couldn't think about anything but the pain. A voice yelled for my name but my mind couldn't comprehend it. I knew it was familiar, it just never clicked. As I was in darkness the voice got louder and clearer. The pain eased away slowly and I gasped for air as it did.

"Kiara?" Nile said.

My eyes flew open and I was staring at the ground.

"Are you alright?" He asked helping me to sit up.

I rubbed my eyes trying to get some sort of memory back. It sprinkled lightly in the area and I looked up in front of me. Monique laid on the ground not doing anything. When I got confused on why she wasn't attacking, I noticed a red spot on her stomach. It got bigger with size as I realized when I stabbed myself in the dream, I actually stabbed her.

Nile stood up and walked over to Monique. He got over her and had the spear in his hand. I looked over to my left and saw Gracie standing up. She's okay? Obviously she is, she's a vampire. I noticed Jaylee standing behind Gracie looking scared but relieved. As I looked back at Nile he had the spear ready to go.

"You're going to kill her?" I asked.

"Of course I'm going to kill her." He said staring down at her.

"What about Autumn?

"What about her?"

"That's her sister." I noted.

"Who cares if she is? She was going to kill you!" He yelled at me. "She doesn't deserve to live. She's put everyone in some much pain and almost killed everybody here."

A chuckle came out from Monique and everyone was shocked that she wasn't unconscious.

"Go ahead, kill me." She said to Nile. "You're strong enough to do it, do it now."

"Do I have permission to kill her?" Nile asked me.

"Don't you put this on me; I'm not making the choice."

"I'll take that as a yes."

I watched Nile put the spear over her chest where her heart was. Nile had no hesitation piercing it through her heart. Jaylee flinched after you could hear the sound of her flesh getting pierced. I looked up to Gracie smiling at Nile's achievement. When I looked back at Nile he stepped away from the body with the spear in his hand. He still stared at the corpse and I was wondering why. The body started to disintegrate into ashes.

"Did I tell you after you use the spear the body turns to ashes?" Nile asked me.

"No, you completely forgot to mention that."

Gracie helped me up on my feet.

"We should head back to the house, people will be wondering where we went off to." She said.

"Jordan, where is he?" I asked remembering.

"Jordan is fine. He's in his room resting." Nile answered.

I sighed with relief and noticed Jaylee still hiding behind Gracie. I bent down to her and smiled.

"Thank you Jaylee, you saved me."

She didn't say anything back, but only gave me a smile. The fight is now over and we have nothing to worry about. We walked back to the house a disgusting mess. We're going to have to make something up on what happened with Monique and us. When we got to the house everyone was still inside and enjoying themselves not even realizing what happened.

"There you are Kiara." Autumn said walking toward me. "What happened to you?" Her voice was full of concern.

"Uh, we went for a walk and . . . fell." I said knowing that wasn't a very good explanation. "But, I have to tell you something about Monique."


"Monique, your sister." I said slowly and confused.

"I don't have a sister. Are you feeling alright?" She felt my forehead.

"I'm fine." I said pushing her arm away lightly. "You're telling me, you don't have a sister?"

"I never did."

I glanced over at Nile. He shrugged his shoulders and I didn't argue with Autumn. If she had forgotten everything about Monique, it was for the best. But why do we still remember her? Things aren't lining up, but I guess some things are better left unsaid. It doesn't matter whether Autumn remembers or not, at least we don't need an explanation.

"We're going to have cake soon, alright?" Autumn continued without questioning my weird behavior.

I nodded.

"Gracie, would you help me in the kitchen?"


Autumn and Gracie went in the kitchen. Nile nudged me from the side.

"Why don't you go check on Jordan?"

I nodded and went upstairs. I stood outside of Jordan's door debating whether I should actually go in. He's probably tired, should I really go in?

"You can come in."

I got startled by Jordan's voice. He knows it's me, there's no point of going back downstairs. I went inside and shut the door behind me. Jordan sat up on his bed wide awake. There was deffiently a change in his appearance than before. His eyes are finally back to normal and he looks well rested.

"I'm not going to hurt you." He said.

"I know."

"Then sit down."

Jordan is always testing me. I did as he said and sat down next to him on the bed.

"So, is everyone alright?" He asked.

I nodded. "Everyone is fine, except, you know."

"Monique." He finished

I nodded again. "Are you back to normal now?" I asked changing the subject.

"Yes, I'm back to being me."

"Good, I missed you."

He smiled and kissed me. This time, there was no pain. All I could feel was happiness. His lips brushed lightly on mine and suddenly I wanted more. He pulled away before I could do so.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too."

He gave me a quick peck on the lips before we were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in." Jordan said.

Nile opened the door. "Sorry to intrude," he smirked as he said it, "but the party awaits you, Kiara."

I smiled and glanced over at Jordan then stood up. Jordan got up and followed behind.

"So what were you two doing?" Nile asked shutting the door.

"Nothing." I smiled at him.

"Uh huh, right."

I shook my head and went downstairs.

Everything and everyone is back to normal. Autumn doesn't remember Monique, and who knows if Nick or someone else does. Shelby is still clueless on what's been going on, but that's the usual. Jaylee is a lifesaver, a hero, and Jordan and I are officially going out now. I'm glad everything is back to normal. It will be good just to have a couple of normal days and not having a problem.

I couldn't imagine having my life without vampires.

I live with a vampire and his vampire servants [Book 2] Where stories live. Discover now