Chapter 2

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i know there's no excuses but i was really busy this week/ the end of last since i went on a trip for the cheerleading state finaly and forgot about uploading on friday any i wont bore you on so hope you enojy


Caroline's pov

After our little discussion in the car Blake brought me straight home, he didn't say anything just took us home, got off the car and left me there. Why does he have to be rude? I was being honest.

I stayed in the car; I just didn't want to go inside.

"Ma'am" a security guy came to my passenger side and opened it.


"Are you coming?"

"I can't stay here?"

"Nope, Blake said to bring you inside quickly, no discussion what so ever" he said quickly.

Ugh he can't control me! Doesn't he understand that? Does he need instructions? If he wanted to keep me home all day, he should have bought a dog not me.

"Well I don't feel like it, I've been in there to long" I said. The man looked at me once, and before I even knew it he threw me over his shoulder and started walking in side.

"Let me go!" I said started punching his back. He let me go when we got to the living room.

"You really don't like being here uh?" I glared at him.

"I really don't like to be stuck in a house for almost two weeks, I like the house though"

"Well sorry ma'am I guess you're stuck" he said.

"Do you only take orders from Blake?" He nodded. I gave up in defeat and slouched into the couch.

"Can I ask you a questions ma'am?" I looked up at him. He was almost as tall as Blake and very buff with blond hair brown eyes to match.

"If you can just call me Caroline, why does every call me that?"

"It's the rule, I'm sorry"

"Fine whatever ask what you want" it was kind of weird just watching him stand in front of me all firm and cold.

"Why do you call him Blake?" I looked at him confused. Why wouldn't I?

"We call him that because he's our boss, but he's your husband" he stated.

He was right though, and I haven't put much thought into it. I just did.

What if I messed with his head? Oh this could be good! Or it can get really bad… oh well what was he going to do kill me? It’s better than being here at least I’ll be buried outside.

“I find it very sexy, it drives me crazy… but I will never admit it to him” I said. I was going to get in deep trouble with him. I wanted to laugh so hard but kept a straight face.

“Don’t tell him” I emphasized, I knew it wouldn’t take long for him to run to his master and tell him everything, sometimes I’m so evil.

 I stirred a fake yawn and said, "Well it’s getting dark, I'm going to bed" he looked at me very suspicious.

"But it's barely 1 P.M ma'am"

“Oh well, anyways Mr.…?”

“Mr. Ryder”

“Mr. Ryder I will see you whenever I see you” I walked off to my room laughing. This was going to be good, maybe I should time how long it will take Blake to come and find me… I should hide!  I looked around my room until I found a perfect place. It was inside the walk in closet on a pile of clothes, how long will it take him to find him?

I was giggling, and almost slapped myself in the face. I was enjoying this and acting like a kid what the hell is wrong with me? I’ve never really done this.

It took about 20 minutes before I heard a knock at the door. Alright do not laugh, do not laugh.

“Caroline are you in there?” he knocked a few more times before he barged in. I couldn’t see him, but I was stirring like crazy control my breath, don’t laugh Caroline you’re going kill yourself.

“Ryder” he shouted.

“Yes sir”

“Where’s the girl” he sounded desperately.

“She said she was going to sleep”

“If you don’t find her in the next 5 minutes, I will put my gun right through your fucken head” I almost jumped out. Would he really kill someone for me?

I gasped as I saw him aiming at Ryder, “Blake stop!” he looked at me. I almost took a step back; they were so cold and full of darkness. It scared me to see a man like this, he wasn’t even Blake.

 He told Ryder to leave and shut the door as he stormed over to me, I was out of space when he towered over me against the wall.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” he boomed. I couldn’t stop shaking, this was the first time seeing him like this and I wish I hadn’t done this prank.

“I uh I was having fun?”

“Fun! I almost killed Ryder” I jumped at his voice, he was furious. What the hell do I do?

I did the only thing I could think of and went for it. I crashed my lips against his; he took a second before he kissed me back roughly.

He swung one of his hands over my waist, while the other pulled my hair trying to deepen the kiss. I wanted to pull away, but as much as I hated admitting this I liked it. He was a nice kisser, the way he was demanding and expected nothing less of you… well me.

I brought my hands to his neck and he picked me up, my legs between his torso. I hadn’t realized I was lying on the bed until I felt his little excitement. Holy crap what the hell was I doing? I pushed him away quickly and tried to go as far as I possibly could. I ran my fingers through my hair, I didn’t love him; I loved Zack.

When he finally got up and looked at me, it hurt me to see him torn? His eyes reflected nothing but sadness. And then in the second of a blink his cold stare was back on. “I-I’m sorry” I said quickly.

He walked to my drawer and slammed everything off of it; I got off the bed and walked into the bathroom. To say that he scared me was an understatement.

“Open this damn door Caroline” he kept punching the door.

“Pl-please stop” I hadn’t recognized I was in tears.

He managed to open the door; I slid to the floor and brought my knees to my chest.

“Please st-stop” I couldn’t look at him, I wouldn’t dare. I kept my head tugged in; I can’t deal with this I guess I’m weaker than I thought.


Please don't forget to vote it up and comment, i appreciate the comment and thanks so miuch for reading 

dont forget to check my other story called perks and quirks, it's not up yet but by tomorrow it will for Valentines Day <3

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