Chapter Two

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It was now morning and everyone was getting up and getting dressed to heading downstairs for breakfast. Katelynn arose from her slumber and smiled. Her maid, Erin came in to help her into her clothes for today. "Milady, good morning. Tomorrow's your birthday, can't you wait?" Erin smiled as she got Katelynn's dress out of the closet. "I'm so happy." Katelynn replied. "It's anything I could've wished for and to have every family member I know invited to my birthday." She had this feeling of excitement and just couldn't find any words to express that excitement. Tomorrow was her birthday and today was the day they had to wrap everything up and make sure every task to get ready for her birthday was done before tomorrow.

Lesley had sworn if her daughter's seventh birthday was messed up by one step, she would blame herself for that. Katelynn didn't know the reason to why her mother would blame herself if one small step had ruined her birthday. Well then again, she was nearly seven and a seven year old wouldn't be old enough to understand those type of things.

Erin had undressed Katelynn out of her white gown and into her dress for the day.

After the maid was done tightening the last string on her dress, she got the brush and started brushing her hair. The tangles were too unbearable for Katelynn to handle so Erin started up to the top going through with the brush and untangling every single knot until it was all untangled. She then started braiding the girl's hair into a French braid and then put it all into a bun using some clips to hold it all together.

After Katelynn was ready, she went downstairs and was greeted by Blaire who was waiting at the bottom of the staircase for her so they could walk to breakfast together. Katelynn and her cousin started talking as they walked to the breakfast dining room until they had to part to sit with their parents. It was a very common thing for the Hendrickson household.

Everyone had finally arrived and they all ate breakfast together discussing about the plans for today. "Karson, will you be free today?" Lesley asked turning to her husband. "I'm not sure," He replied as he put his fork into his eggs. "I do sure hope so, if you were, you would be very helpful to have around," Lesley smiled and continued eating her breakfast. "I'm really hoping to be off for today," Mr. Hendrickson said before taking another bite of his breakfast.

"Well, let's just not get our hopes high for it."

Breakfast soon finished and everyone left to do their own thing. Shaelyn, Tayla and Blaire all go outside to talk about gossip. Rafael and Bryler left to go discuss about their sword fight from yesterday and carry on like it was only yesterday. All of the adults soon move from the breakfast dining room to the living room next door. Katelynn decided to go out to the garden and play all by herself. Soon Blaire left her sister and cousin to join with Katelynn since she knew she would like the company coming from her cousin.

Laughter rang from the living room the adults were in. It was adult humor, nothing a child would understand enough to laugh out for.

"I don't see why we shouldn't go to the masked ball tomorrow night." Marcus, Claudia's husband said.

"Yes, I agree," Chimed in Karson's twin, Emmaline who was born just eleven minutes before him.

"Plus, it's great timing that we go at night because the kids will be already heading to bed, so we can spend the whole day with the children and at night we can leave them under Melina's care until we get back." Lesley added in. "Of course we would want to leave at eight, which is the children's bedtime and then we'll come back around one."

"It was very generous of Henry and his wife to invite us at the last minute." Emmaline added in. She was looking forward to the event that was being held that tomorrow night.

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