Chapter Nine

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"Do you suppose it could be the knife in front of us?" Stewart whispered to Detective Stiles. The detective took a closer look at the knife.

"I'm not sure," He replied and then looked at the knife shop owner. "Sir, is this knife nine inches long?" He asked.

"Yes," The man behind the counter nodded. "It's about nine and a half."

"Is it illegal to own?"

"No," The employee answered as if he knew the exact answer. "If you are really interested in knives, I'd suggest you go visit the knife museum, they have more than what I have. Those knives there are like the history of our ancestors, they are quite ancient, but some are from today's knives. And they're all from each year and brand. Goodness if I went back and visited it, the knives would be new to me." The man explained. "I remember visiting that museum for the first time. I was still working at this shop selling knives and most of the knives I saw in that museum I never even heard of in my life."

"Say," Detective Stiles spoke up after hearing enough about this knife museum. "Where is this museum you speak of?" He asked as a plan began forming into his head.

"It's not far actually, just five miles down south avenue, take a right and down that road it should be on your left." The man answered with a gentle smile.

"Thank you, sir." Stewart and the detective ran out of the knife shop in a hurry.

They jumped into Stewart's vehicle and drove out of the parking lot. They followed the man's directions and were soon there.

"We need to make this fast." Detective Stiles said in a serious voice.

Stewart nodded in agreement and the two headed inside the building. They walked down the aisles of knives that covered the shelves behind a glass with the name of the knife, brand, year it was made and it's history. There were illegal knives in the museum as well. But it wasn't illegal for the museum to hold the knives that were illegal. It was only illegal if someone owned it and used it as a threat in any type of way, even if someone was just playing around with it. If someone sees another person with an illegal knife on them, they would immediately report it to the police, that is how serious it is to have illegal knives on you. No one here would ever mess around with knives in any sort of way like that.

The two men decided to split in search of the knife as they had little time and soon Alan and the rest of the team would be heading back to the police station.

"Found it!" Stewart yelled grabing some attention of the people around him. Detective Stiles came from one of the asiles he was in and soon was next to Stewart.

"See?" Stewart said. "The knife that we saw back at the murder scene looks exactly like this one," he looked at the detective to see what he would say. "Do you think it could be the one?" He asked.

"Possibly." The detective replied as he kept his gaze fixed on the knife. "It's about ten inches long, and the handle is brown The blade looks a whole lot like the murder weapon. Except this one is clean."


"It's a Doubble Barrell Norwegian knife, sort of like a pistol at the handle." Detective Stiles looked at Stewart.

"We now know it, Evan!" Stewart cried.

Detective Stiles looked at Stewart sort of confused. "Know what?"

"The knife!" Stewart replied. "That's the knife, I knew I've seen it somewhere. We now know the murder weapon."

"Oh, will she be alright?" Preslie asked after rushing over to the doctor who had just came out in the waiting room. They had to rush Julie to the hospital after she started throwing up blood on the road.

The murder of Katelynn Hendrickson Where stories live. Discover now