Chapter Ten

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Karson Hendrickson walked down the hallway of the Kelling's residence. He had been thinking through a lot and debating whether he should get his father involved in all of this. He did have him go search for Bryant to no avail. But, now that Bryant is at the police station in the interrogation room, he didn't have to worry about him on the lose. Someone was already murdered because of him. Karson's mind wondered if he could trust his father. It felt that he should as he is his father.

He reached the phone sitting on a small table in the hallway and he began punching in some numbers.

Two hours later...

"Sorry I had to pull you out of your time from work, but I just wanted to ask a couple of questions." Karson Hendrickson apologized as his eyes were facing the window to the front garden of the Kelling's.

"No problem." Stewart replied who at on a couch whilst his partner in the investigation was in a chair.

"So, what was is you wanted us here for, sir Hendrickson?" Detective Stiles asked as he averted his eyes off the furniture and onto Karson who turned around to face them both.

"The maid." He answered simply.

"Ahh, I see." The detective slowly nodded his head getting where he was going at.

"Yes," Stewart spoke up. "We should interrogate her and the others as well?" He asked. Karson's head nodded.

"Indeed, if you could, please." He answered. "Ask them if any of them are behind any of this murder." He said firmly.

Stewart then got up from his seat. "Is that all, sir?" He asked.

"Yes," Karson replied and handed Stewart a piece of paper he had written on earlier. "I am meeting my father next, so you two may be excused."

Stewart took the paper and look down to see it was household servants' addresses in listing order. Detective Stiles stood up and he and his partner exited the mansion.

Karson patiently waited for his father to come in the room or one of the Kelling's servants to come in with his father behind them.

"Sir," A voice interupted him out of his thoughts. "Yes?" He replied.

"Mr. Hendrickson is here to meet you." The voice from one of the household servants replied.

"Bring him in." He answered.

The door opened and Karson's father came in and took a seat scross from him.

"Father, please sit." Karson gestured his hand to the sofa before him. His father noded and walked over to the sofa before sitting down.

"What is it that you want to discuss about?" Karson's father asked as he directly made eye contact with him.

"I assume you heard about the news of our only child, and what happened," Karson started speaking. "And probably know who our main suspect is right now."

Mr. Hendrickson nodded. "I did," He replied. "How unfortunate that it had to happen to such a young girl who had so much ahead in life for her." He said as steadily as he could. He was going through a hard time as well as everyone else was.

Karson only noded as he gazed off toward the window. "Father?"


A long silence filled the room before Karson replied. "Can you just please comfort Emmaline in this hard stressful time?" He finally said turning his head to him.

"Of course." His father said nodding. "I will. I will do anything to keep her out of her misery." He reassured.

"Maybe talk to her: tell her it isn't her fault for marrying such a man." Karson said as he gripped his hand into a tight ball. "I feel like she's going through harder time than some of us."

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